View Full Version : New and scared

14-12-10, 23:30
Hi new to this site ive been having stomach pains for 3 days now andi have seen my GP she said it was IBS not sure what ibs is but ive convinced myself its bowel cancer and im going to die i am having pain in my abdomen and today it hurts a bit low left side of my groin as i try and go to number twos i sit there for a while before my bowels move but once ive been i feel like i need to go again. My stools are sometimes squashed ribbon like no blood in stools but when i wipe myself its like i have diaorhea on the loo paper also i am having back ache rally scared it might be cancer im only 38 plz and comments and advice:weep:

14-12-10, 23:37
Hmm, don't know much about IBS myself but there's a whole section on it under the symptoms section :) http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/forumdisplay.php?f=94

You might like to have a read through it til someone better replies lol, might put your mind at rest. xx

15-12-10, 00:13
read up on IBS http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Irritable_bowel_syndrome
if your still worried you could ask your doctor for more tests.

24-12-10, 08:48
Apart from tears, only time could wear everything away. While feeling is being processed by time, conflicts would be reconciled as time goes by, just like a cup of tea that is being continuously diluted.

24-12-10, 11:54
Hello, sorry you're feeling scared right now. It sounds like IBS or constipation to me: left side pain is very very common with IBS; ditto for constipation (which is probably what your ribbon-like stools and feeling like you need to go again are about); and the back pain is probably from the constipation too, as what's stuck inside (!) could be pressing on a nerve.

I have had all three of these symptoms many many times - and LOTS of people on here have it. We all, as far as I can see, have IBS or constipation - no one has cancer.

As a very quick and easy measure, see if drinking a bit more water each days helps, as constipation can be exacerbated by dehydration.


Natalie x
25-12-10, 00:57
Hi and welcome. I went to the Doctors a few months back with stomach pains which he thought was ibs. The symptoms i got were stomach cramps particularly after eating certain foods and had problems going to the toilet. Have you tried cutting down on dairy products at all, such as milk in tea and swapping white bread for brown? Hope you feel better soon and that you have a good xmas :) x

25-12-10, 19:50
I've had IBS for about 30 years. There was a time I could not have any caffeine (like pepsi and chocolate) or else I would have cramps and a large amount of stool, 3x's a day.
Now I don't get it as often, but it can be troublesome. IBS is not caused by anxiety, but it can make it worse. IBS is where your peristalsis gets goofed up and some foods can make it worse.