View Full Version : Does Anyone Know About This?

15-12-10, 00:13
My wife and I moved to a very dry climate about five years ago and a very high climate. We came from a low altitude humid climate.

While we were there something strange started happening to us.When there was over about 15 percent humidity we would feel a clammy feeling all over like there was sweat but there was no real moisture on our skin.

We felt very strange when the humidity would get higher than 40 percent..Just a very clammy feeling.I researched this and researched this and never really felt like I found out what it was,then one day we were in our local pharmacy and I asked the pharmacist about the feeling and he knew exactly what I was talking about .. and laughed and said "welcome to the valley" so I felt a little better.

I asked my doctor about it and she never heard of it and ask me if we were having cold sweats and I Knew what this was and told her no.After that she never really mentioned it.

We decided it was normal for that place and didn't really worry about it too much anymore after that until we moved to a place that has higher humidity and low altitude.

It gets cold here and we turn on the heat and its real stuffy..But when the heat blows on us we feel as though we are sweating and sweating so miserable. My wife also feels this as well.

When we lived in low altitude and high humidity I don't ever remember feeling this way but suspect other people feel this to because the complain of the wet cold

Getting to the point here.Our bodies aren't tolerable anymore to normal comfortable temperatures in this area. If we turn on the heat for any length of time we feel that nasty sweating feeling and stuffy feeling but then if we turn off the heat we get really cold.

I worry about the feeling although if there was something wrong why would the two of us feel that way and not just myself? Is this something that is normal for older people in high humidity places?

I haven't really asked anyone here in this location about it because it seems they are used to the humidity and not sure they would know what i was talking about ..but its all just so weird to be cold and turn on the heat and feel sweaty.. It makes me feel anxious because in the back of my mind im always wondering what is really going on .. when it might just be the most normal thing in the world..

That is why I am posting this here to see if anyone else feels this way,

If it were just myself I would say its anxiety but my wife is not an anxious person and it affects her too.. So its really got my attention.. If anyone can help me by sharing anything with me I would greatly appreciate it. Michael

15-12-10, 00:16
wouldn't a high humidity cause you to feel clammy and sweaty because of the moisture in the air?
it might help to ask a few more local people or even tourists in the area, the pharmacist seemed to know what you were talking about so thats a good sign its normal.

15-12-10, 00:28
The pharmacist talked to me and was nice to me because we were in a small town but its not really like that here. Now I have talked to a few people and when I talked about humidity they agreed but im not sure they knew exactly what I was talking about.. Hopefully its not a bad thing.. Michael

15-12-10, 04:20
I would give anything if someone would know what this was and just happen to see it and explain it to me.It creeps me out.. You know because everytime you see some bad symptoms "sweating" is always there..But the fact it affects my wife and I both is weird.

16-12-10, 02:34