View Full Version : Does Anyone Else Get TONS of Gas and Heart SKips?

15-12-10, 00:22
For the last few nights I have been getting terrible gas..Its like everytime I think its gone there is just that much more.I take anti-acids and drink water and can't seem to be free of it.

I can be laying down or sitting down and my heart will be beating just fine around 72 and then get up to go to the restroom and all of a sudden my heart goes crazy and beats something like this beat beat skip beat beat skip beat beat skip.. and then beat beat beat beat beat and beat beat skip ..

It really freaks me out and I think most of this is just gas and is harmless but its almost every night .Last night it happened all night and just when I thought I could lay down and go to sleep my heart would skip again ..I didn't go to sleep until early morning..

I just wondered if anyone else had this issue.. Does anxiety make you have more gas? and the more gas the more anxiety ..? It really has seemed bad lately and im just waiting for my heart to go into afib or stop or have a stroke from this..Help?

15-12-10, 00:55
I saw something that said if you got skipped beats more than six a minute you might have a problem.This has got me worried because it seems that I have more than that sometimes

15-12-10, 01:08
The gas is a symptom of IBS. As the food does not move along at a regular pace, it gives these symptoms. If you have diahrrea and constipation both, that is also IBS.

15-12-10, 01:09
You have the skipped beats like beat beat stop beat beat stop beat beat stop everynight with your gas?

15-12-10, 23:43

Going home
16-12-10, 00:16
Excessive gas isn't automatically a symptom of IBS, unless you've already been diagnosed with this. Gas can happen to anyone and it does irritate the heart and if its true about the 6 skipped beats in one minute thing then i'd have been a gonna a long time ago! Its horrible and uncomfortable and scary, but if you've had all the cardio tests done and they've always been clear then its not organic. It is happening but its not causing damage to your heart, and doesn't mean your heart will stop or anything like that. Most people get them but don't notice them...ive never understood how people can have them and not feel them happening but its true. If its interferring with your life too much there are pills you can take such as beta blockers (propranolol etc) Normally ant-acids help with them too...did you remember about the important ingredient in them I mentioned in a previous thread? Sorry if youve tried it and it hasn't worked for you though.

Anna xx

16-12-10, 02:38
I take a beta blocker now but it regulates my heart.. I don't know if it is suppose to help with skipped beats..Its just I guess I have been getting a little more wound up lately than usual and the gas is from acid brewing in my stomach but I have never experienced the kind of missed beats I getting now..Like beat beat skip beat beat skip beat beat skip. I have had the usual missed beats here and there all my life but this is new to me.

16-12-10, 18:55
hi, i think you've replied to one of my posts about pauses in the heartbeat before. I notice them now and again, especially when very anxious. Had a pause for about 5 seconds last night and i seriously couldnt breathe!!!

I too get quite bad indigestion, so maybe this is the reason why im experiencing these? my heartbeat is normal and not fast at all... but then i become worried about my breathing or my heart and experience a sudden electric shock sensation of fear and feel as though my heart has stopped. this happened last night and i immediately put my fingers to my pulse and there was nothing for like 5 seconds!!! am very worried still even though i went to my GP today. he laughed when i mentioned it and didnt check my chest or breathing and prescribed my 20mg citralopram.

I only notice the pauses when im very anxious or thinking about them. i felt relaxed the other week and didnt have any that i know of, but my anxiety/stress has become much worse in the last week and half and i feel as if im being smothered.

it's so so horrible, but i need to realise that if i was going to have a heart attack then i'd most likely have more severe symptoms and probably pass out, plus im only 22 and there is no evidence of heart problems in my family.

hope you feel better, candice :)

16-12-10, 20:08
Yes..You sound so much like me lately.. Wondering if my heart would stop or go into afib but I think the gas is the culprit and when we sit and brood about things "being anxious" it causes way more gas than usual.I too make a mental note of the absence of other symptoms and the smothering im pretty sure is like me.Its tension on the ribcage causing the feeling of not being able to breathe.If you are 22 I would definitely say that you shouldn't worry. Once when I was about your age I was in the hospital thinking I was having a heart attack and the nurses and some doctors would pass by and ask what are you doing here.I would say maybe a heart attack..they would just grin or laugh and say .>NOT AT YOUR AGE..So..Given your age and family history.. its probably not very likely.. But the symptoms are miserable. I know because I have to cope with them everyday and im 56 .I don't have the positive note that you do about your age.As for being stopped for five seconds..Thats a really long time..Could it have just seemed that long and was maybe more like less than a couple of seconds .When you are panicking it seems that time stands still. I appreciate your well wishes and hope you feel better too. Michael