View Full Version : Swelling of only two fingers?? :(

15-12-10, 00:58
This is the second time this has happened to me. I got to class and sat down and about a minute later I noticed that my middle and ring fingers on my R hand (particularly my middle finger) were feeling warm and tingly. And they were swollen, probably a 3/5 with 5 being the worst swelling. There was no reddness or discoloration, no open areas, no pain, nothing but swelling and that tingling.

I am considered that this is arthritis. I am thinking it may also be an allergy to something, but maybe the way I hold my water bottle. My water bottle is kind of heavy and has a loop, and usually I just hold my water bottle on one or two fingers by the loop. I'm thinking maybe I cut of my circulation to my fingers by doing this and this is why they're swollen. This swelling maybe last an hour, but it's been about 4 hours later and only my middle finger is slightly swollen now, maybe a 1/5.

Does anyone have any insight?

15-12-10, 01:01
Mine feels like this when I type a lot and also when using the mouse on my notebook.Not sure its bad circulation or strain from keeping it an awkward position for too long.. Maybe someone else here can help ,but even so hope you feel better soon.Michael

15-12-10, 01:06
Thanks, I have been using my computer A LOT to study for finals and I do type and use that finger for the mousepad. That's something I didn't even think about. What does it feel like for you Michael, can you describe your symptoms?