View Full Version : Pushing through panic

21-03-06, 18:36
Hi - I have suffered from anxiety and panic attacks on and off for the last 19 years. Over this time I have been on meds and undertaken counselling and CBT. I have had times when I can say I have been panic free and anxiety has not been a problem. I have remained on 1/2 Inderal all the time but been on and off anti-depressants throughout this time.

At the end of last year I had a series of stressful events happen and the anxiety gradually crept up on me and hit me with a series of PA's whilst I was away on holiday at Christmas. Since that time I have been determined to get through this bad phase. However other things seem to have come along and made issues worse like having a car accident in January and my pet dog died in February. I have since January had IBS which makes the anxiety and PA worse and its such a vicious circle.

Through it all I have been determined not to stop doing anything I usually do as when I first had PA and anxiety I became agoraphobic and I dont ever want to go there again. However I keep feeling that I am pushing and pushing myself through the panic but dont seem to be getting out the other end? I am continuing to work (I do have a very stressful job) and trying to get a better balance of work and home life ...I sit through the PA's I am having and at the end of each day think I have survived through another day but then the next day I feel just as anxious as I did yesterday.

I am now beginning to feel scared that I will soon start to become depressed and that I will have to revert back to taking meds which I dont want to do. Any ideas or help?

21-03-06, 19:53
You should be well proud of yourself for having this attitude :D:D

Try not to put a time limit on it with regard to getting through, these things take as long as they will take. Meanwhile are you having enough time out to do things you like doing and just to be you???

I love my yoga for taking myself out abit and having 'me' time!!

I think you are doing fab!!!!

Love Piglet

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

21-03-06, 22:07
Why do you think you have them at end of day

Review your thought pattern and make sure its not you feeling that you've not done enough, well enough or maybe its the only time you have time to sit and dwell on stuff.

A lifestyle review may help too stimulants , diet, exerciuse etc


proactiveness, positivity, persistence, perseverance and practice = progress

22-03-06, 00:36
You have being through a lot and are not going to give in, that shows a great deal of strength that through out this you probably dont see.

It isnt easy i have been where you have being but you are not about to give in which shows me it wont beat you however hard it gets. It does get hard i wont lie to you but you will come out the other side a lot stronger and wiser.

PM if you ever want to talk.

I admire how welll you are coping, and you should also.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

"Life is a distance and to travel that distance you were given the strength and guidance to do so".