View Full Version : Appetite disappearing lately

15-12-10, 01:08
For some reason I usually have a great appetite but in recent weeks its disappearing . Some days I eat real well and other days it seems like I get nauseated from the site of food.

I can sit and think about my old favorites that I would have never turned down and find that I get turned off fairly quickly. I don't really like sweets anymore and find no interest in them.

When I eat dinner at night I have to sometimes skip lunch so that I can eat more and If I don't then I have to push back some of my dinner.. My appetite isn't horrible but it has changed.Could this all be anxiety ?

15-12-10, 01:28
When my anxiety started i never ate a decent meal in 2 months. Zero appetite and i lost 25 pounds. Even now i often have to force myself to eat.. but it is improving. I have NO Doubt it is all due to anxiety.

15-12-10, 01:35
I know what you mean about forcing myself to eat. I suppose I shouldn't worry because I had been trying to loose weight and had just about given up when I started feeling this way and since then I have lost about seven pounds which is ok now but I don't want to loose too much. Maybe mine will improve a little about the time I am getting to a good weight. Thanks for replying. .Michael

15-12-10, 03:26
If you are having anxiety loss of appetite would be normal. When my anxiety flared 5 weeks ago I lost 20 pounds in 3 weeks. When things settle down you should go back to normal.

15-12-10, 03:37
Yeah that is what im thinking .. Maybe it will settle down soon. I ate a pretty heavy dinner tonight so things are looking better at the moment