View Full Version : What helped my ectopic/arrythmias

15-12-10, 01:14
I have been experiencing ectopic or funny heartbeats, and recently they have greatly diminished. First I went to an MD and they gave me a ECG and listened to my heart. The MD told me that everything was okay, but they also have me some bunk advice (look back at my old thread to see).

Anyway, I attribute a decrease in ectopic beats to these:

1: Major decrease in stress, as school is finishing up for the winter
2: Major increase in fluid intake (I am constantly dehydrated)
3: Iron! I bought cast iron pans and started eating cereal fortified with iron.

It has been a week with very few ectopics, although they aren't all gone. I just wanted to share my experience of what has worked for me. I don't know if any of these actually worked, or it was a combination, or even if was a placebo effect, but so far so good. I'm crossing my fingers they won't rear their ugly head again. What have other people found?

15-12-10, 01:19
I agree 100 percent about the stress.. it causes so many funny heartbeats. .and when im not stressed I barely notice them nor do I worry..I think its like perpetual motion.You are stressed your stomach produces more acid causing skipped beats or what you perceive as skipped and then getting scared causes it to continue and worsen until you find a way to calm down and even after that they still can keep on a bit because of the stomach acid.. But glad you don't have as many and they have gotten better for you.

15-12-10, 09:50
good hydration is definitely a BIG helper for me !