View Full Version : Asthma fear back

15-12-10, 02:53
Someone in the family was diagnosed with this and that's got it worrying in the back of my mind again...then I googled..because the last 2 nights I've had a blocked nose and panicking with shortness of breath so I'm worried I have it?

Last week it was going blind now it's this... :lac:

15-12-10, 02:58
My mum has asthma and I did as a child. You'd know if you had it, it's not jus shortness of breath, it's accompanied by a lot of wheezing/noisy breaths and it doesn't feel like a blocked nose at all. You can actually hear the difficulty in breathing that asthma sufferers have sometimes.

Your shortness of breath is probs down to panicking. I've had both asthma attacks and the shortness of breath that comes with panic and they both feel totally different. If it's really bothering you, you could go to your doc and explain your symptoms and see what he says. x

15-12-10, 03:01
If you have asthma I do as well. I have been feeling like this for about a week. Its miserable and I think the weather is making me feel this way.. I have to try to relax because I too get scared there is something wrong.. But when I go to sleep I breathe ok so don't think it can be that. But im not a medical doctor but wanted to let you know I was feeling exactly what you are ..

15-12-10, 03:05
I think what makes it worry me is the shortness of breath will go away for months and suddenly come back. I hope it's just anxiety.

15-12-10, 03:08
Im sure it is..I lived where there was 25 percent less oxygen and didn't feel short of breath but now living at sea level and feel this way.. but also just recently started feeling this way and am now anxious .. I have posted on here a few times about breathing and everyone says they have it too.. so im guess its anxiety ,if not there is a lot of bad breathing problems out there that came from somewhere..But logically speaking im thinking its anxiety since it is a symptom. If you look to your left on here and go to symptoms you will find just what we are experiencing down to the very way you feel. But im not a medical doctor but hope this helps.. Michael

15-12-10, 03:59
I wish I had not googled and posted as I'm now up at 4am hyperventilating trying to breathe..the more I keep blowing my nose the more I feel clogged... :ohmy:

sweet juicy
15-12-10, 03:59
Oh,i am sorry to hear that !hope it can recovery !

15-12-10, 04:11
Yes I was up all night until six am this morning wondering why I couldn't breathe.Its miserable .I hope you feel better and hope that I feel better soon.Take care im sure it will be ok. Michael

15-12-10, 04:16
By the way .. on the googling. it wreaks havoc on my mental life. It really scares me and I even read an article that says that most of the medical stuff online frequently leaves our important bits and pieces that most doctors know so they don't include it.Also says that the symptoms they list are very severe but they don't list that. They only list something like say.. Shortness of breath.. meaning.. Someone is gasping for air and can't stand up straight because they have no oxygen at all .It doesn't mean someone that has colds and allergies that has discomfort..so you have to be careful but I can't really say anything to you because im guilty myself . I only mentioned it because I feel for you after feeling discomfort and making the mistake of googling and then you don't' know if you are dying or just feeling discomfort and having an anxiety attack which makes it worse. Good luck and hope you feel better. Michael

15-12-10, 15:43
I know this may sound insensitive but I can't understand why you would be so worried about having asthma anyway.

I also had it as a child and get it occassionally now, not bad mind you.

It would be highly unlikely an adult would develop asthma on its own anyway. If you did it would probably be linked to an allergy as mine now is.

As pokerface has said, asthma and hyperventilation tight chest are two different feelings entirely.

15-12-10, 16:26
I am so sorry you can't sleep.
I just posted a reply to a thread called "REALLY really flud up"
the writer there was asking about help with sinus congestion.

I have an excellent routine I do whenever my nose is clogged, I have trouble breathing, or I have a sinus headache. Please go see what I wrote there, as I swear to you it works every time for me.

Also, it sounds like you are correct in thinking some of this is due to your anxiety taking over. If you do not do any of the steps but one from my posted routine, then please try the breathing steam step. Between the warm steam and the deep breathing, I think you will find you will start to feel much better.

I sure hope this helps you!!

TO ANYONE ELSE...... if you are suffering from cold/flu stuffy nose, sinus issues, I truly cannot stress enough what a wonder the routine I posted on the thread "flud up" has been for me. I urge you to try it for yourself and see if it helps.

15-12-10, 16:32
please please please......
do everything you can to stay away from google.
it never helps me.:)