View Full Version : Does the weather and shorter days affect anyone else?

15-12-10, 02:58
I don't know about anyone else but the days being shorter and having less light really bothers me. I don't know why because I used to love the nighttime and it never changed my habits of getting out.Whether it was day or night I was always on the move.

Now days.. My wife and I sleep about 3am and never wanted to get out of bed until 2pm .. This gives you about maybe three hours of sunlight. I guess it would be better for us to go to bed earlier and then get up earlier..

The nighttime now gives me a sense of seclusion and claustrophobia. I guess the reason it does this here is that there are lots of trees here and houses on either side and across the street..

We were living out in a rural area where there was only one neighbor about a mile away and the sky was 360 degree view and it seemed you could reach out and touch the stars. Now its alot different and feels more confined living here in town .We are almost a mile and one half below where we used to live and in a town and the weather is humid too which im sure makes a difference. Anyone else feel like the nighttime makes them feel different or the lack of daylight?

15-12-10, 03:11
I can relate to claustrophobia feeling but not by night time more snow..but the night did affect it when it started getting dark..

I have issues myself with staying up until 3am and sometimes later due to anxiety...I rarely wake before 12pm and sit and have breakfast when I should be having lunch. My reason for staying up late is I'm addicted to the PC a bit and feel the need to squeeze the most out of a day as time seems to be going soo fast...I'm hoping to switch my routine so I can get up in the mornings and see more daylight.

15-12-10, 03:25
You know Phil when we lived at higher altitude it used to snow 15 to 20 ft of snow a year.It would start and not stop for days..I wasn't used to living in a place where you could not even drive out because you had to clear it before you could drive and then had to wait on a snow plow that went all over town before it came to you. It was a little scary to know that if anything happened that you had to get to a doctor it would almost be impossible. I love the snow but it scared me too,but over time I realized that there was never too many days that someone didn't come along and pass our house that needed to get out thus leaving a trail..but then too I had someone that I trusted to come and plow the drive every snow so I wouldn't be stuck either. I tell you in all the years we lived there it became ok..somehow.When I knew there would be heavy snow I would fret a little but now we don't live there anymore and the worst here might be a little ice on the roads or rain..But I did want you to know that someone else has had the same worry.. Michael

15-12-10, 13:22
I feel different in the winter Michael .I dread the dark evenings and the days seem so grey .It is important to get daylight each day and make the most of the daylight hours Lack of vitamin d can make you feel quite low .Its produced naturally by sunlight and even winter sun can produce it I take cod liver oil pills during the winter ..Going to bed earlier and getting up so you can do things before it gets dark does help .Otherwise you get into a rut of late nights and daytime lethargy .No good for anyone .:lac: ..I sometimes wonder if I was a hedghog in another life ,I always feel like I want to hibernate during the worst of the winter . :roflmao:T/c luv Sue x

15-12-10, 13:30
I have never liked the dark evenings and shorter days but since suffering from anxiety and depression the past 4 months, I have found it even harder. I am taking Vit D supplement but I long for the Spring!