View Full Version : Where did all the good Doctor's go?!?!?!

21-03-06, 18:39
Hi all,

I am going on my 4th visit to my doctor. We are doing hypnotherapy, he says CBT we have yet to do that, and desensitizing. Last Tuesday he showed his true colors (which I knew would happen).

My husband came into the office with me wanting to talk to the doctor about my situation (severe fear of flying, general anxiety) he asked him if he would support us if we had to find a way to stay where we are at, the doctor looked at him and said "we are not helping her by doing this...blah blah blah crap". The whole point in my husband asking for his help was to cover his A**. We were told by HIM to come up with other solutions if I was not able to fly off the Island, well, we presented him with one and he shot it down.

After my husband left the room he looked at me and said "I understand you guys want to stay here Tina, but come on"...I fired back and said "I DON'T want to stay here I just might have no choice...it's called a freakin' PHOBIA remember?". I was so hurt, I can't believe he thought that I was full of it. He's the professional. He's the head of the Psychology Dept.

The first week I saw him he ended up telling us about this program that would recognize your problem and that my husband's job (Air Force) would be sympathetic and possibly station us right here in Hawaii again due to my phobia. Well, Tuesday he said "let me tell you they have NEVER heard of a problem like this, I doubt you're going to be able to get approved for this program". I thought to myself well, "you're my doctor it is your responsibility as a medical professional to educate them on my "problem".

I knew this would happen though. I knew I would find the doctor that got annoyed with me. He gets annoyed when I talk about things and cry....Real nice, huh?

He also tries to put his wife's fear of flying in the same ballpark as mine. Although, she gets on an airplane orders a drink and is fine. That's like apples and oranges, I DON'T even get on the plane. Find me someone like that and then maybe I can relate.

I'm sorry for the rant, it's just I feel as though i'm failing, the doctors are failing, and that hope is not there. I WANT to get better, I tell my doctor that every visit!!

Where did the sympathetic, hardworking, willing to put themselves on the line for their patients doctors go?!


22-03-06, 18:23

Would you by any chance be coming to America anytime soon? Specifically Hawaii?

You always seem to say the right things, I read a lot of what you post because of the approach you take with people.

You seem to sympathize with them first and then, you try to tackle the problem.

I have thought about the what is my "payoff" for staying on the Island and I have so many MORE reasons to leave than to stay. The reasons to stay bring up uncertainty and nothing stable. The reasons to leave are security, and my family on the mainland.

I just wish my doctor could sympathize as you try to do. I feel almost "safe" when I read your posts, especially if you have responded to one of mine. I'm not sure if that makes sense but, it's true.

I do want this fear gone. I have a lot of pressure, the deadline I am given, the fact that my doctor stated that he has "NEVER FAILED" (thanks guy I don't have enough pressure just add that one on there). I am terribly embarrassed by this fear, and now the anxiety is really bad so it has limited me further. It's a nasty cycle.

Just thank you for your gentle words...I see how you try to reach people but you do it with kindness and Thank You so much for that!!


22-03-06, 23:27
Hi Tina

That is so harsh and it is coming from a professional that should be open to every avenue of his profession but seems he is judging it like outsiders would. You need professional medical support and he is not giving you that at all. I understand how you feel and wish i could do more to help. He seems focussed on the easy issues of being a doctor, a bit of penicillin here and there but that is no way going to help you. Thinking about you and wish i could say or do more to help you. But i am here to listen to you.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

"Life is a distance and to travel that distance you were given the strength and guidance to do so".

22-03-06, 23:34

You are so right, my doc wants to give me some pill and send me on my way..

It just seems that doctors these days don't know how to treat sick people, they only know how to treat people that are well. What has happened with this?

I'm not looking to be cured anymore (I don't think anyway) I just want someone to understand me. No one has a clue how bad this is for me and my family...how downright scary our life is going to be if things don't go as "planned".

Thank you for your kind words and your support Sal...it means a lot to me.


22-03-06, 23:38
No one has a clue probably not from a doctors point of view, but i do and many others on here do and i will personally help you all i can.

They justify a medical book that can give them free raine to support those that are not physically ill but mentally ill but until you have being there i know there will be no doctor than can acutally say how we truly feel. Even pysichtists for all they have done a degree and learnt inside out until you have suffered how can you know how we feel. Granted they understand the medications but they dont truly understand the underlying problem

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

"Life is a distance and to travel that distance you were given the strength and guidance to do so".