View Full Version : Does anyone feel worse in the mornings?

15-12-10, 07:59
I've suffered with anxiety and physical symptoms for a long time now.

I get a wide range of symptoms and worry that they aren't anxiety.

Although I get symptoms all through the day they seem to be much worse first thing in the morning, I start to feel slightly better around 3pm and then a lot better around 7pm I suppose when perhaps i'm calmer, the kids are asleep and I don't have to go out and about worrying about everything!

Take this morning for instance, this is how I feel:-

IBS symptoms - tummy area rumbling, gurgling, popping feel like I need the loo although i've just been, feel too queasy to eat breakfast

Feel achy all over

Feel weak, shaky and breathless

Feel light-headed

Feel a bit panicky

Feel very tired-would really love to go back to bed and pull the covers over my head

Does anyone else feel worse in the morning-is this normal for anxiety sufferers?

15-12-10, 08:11
That sounds just like me. Mornings are always a lot worse for me but by the evening the symptoms are not so bad.
I have the same symptoms as you too, constant lightheadedness being the worse, im always tired and have aches and pains.
I was talking to me therapist about this yesterday and he was saying that its my thoughts that are making me feel like this and depression rather than anxiety.
I wish i could hide away from the world too.X

15-12-10, 08:30

Having suffered with anxiety/depression on and off since having post natal depression 13 yrs ago, i can say mornings are my worst time.

Right now i am having a bad time and should've really seen it coming..the tense stomach, not thinking straight, aches and pains in arms/neck, irritability, crying, poor sleeping, bad breathing, the list goes on. It's not until my heart starts missing beats that i then realise i am all stressed out.
Mornings are hard as i wake up and it's like a bolt of adrenaline is coming inwaves and my heart is fluttering all over the place and my neck and arm muscles are so achy and heavy.

As i sit here, my heart is fluttering and it's from thoughts that keep coming into my head without me even having to think them!

This is my main symptom, heart flutters and it drives me mad. I am trying to ignore them so i don't make them worse, but it's really hard.

You wake up and everything seems amplified....i cannot be bothered to even get up today. I just want to hide away until Christmas is over with too. I think that i get quite stressed out at Christmas and put so much pressure on myself to make thinks perfect...i am not even a perfectionist!

As the day goes on, i feel a little better, but i am just beaten down with tiredness right now and work is going to be very busy over the next week and i am working myself up over this too. My hours are changing to suit the company's needs for a few days and these hours are unsociable hours which is getting me slightly stressed.

All i can say is i think mornings are awful. When i was at my peak with depression/anxiety and having panic attacks and my 3 children were all under 4, i dreaded the mornings....that sharp edge i felt on waking stayed with me until i went to sleep that evening. I never want to feel it that bad again.


Tia Maria
15-12-10, 09:13
You all easily be describing me down to a tee! I do niot profess to have an easy answer, but I have found the only thing that helps is to distyract myself - it can be anything. I have known to do gardening at 6am in the morning - just to keep my mind focused else-where. As bad as we feel - it is nice to know that there are others out there who feel the same as we do - hooray for this site. Try and have a good day everyone.

15-12-10, 09:34
Hi all

It is comforting to know that I am not alone in feeling like this. Its just that psychological disorders are such a hidden problem you have no idea who is suffering when you go about your normal day to day life and this site makes me feel less isolated.

Take this morning, woke up feeling horrible with all the above mentioned symptoms but had to get on with things, dropped the kids off at school, put on my smillie face and tried to look 'normal' but inside all tense and worried and could'nt wait to get home. How many other mums felt like that today at the school, who knows? Its not like having a broken limb or a huge rash or something which people can see and even if I did open up and say how i felt I would either feel weak & less of a person or worry that they would tell me to pull myself together':weep:

15-12-10, 10:12
God I feel just like that too..... just don't know what to do with myself in the morning at the moment...... feel like dialing 999 and being carted off to hospital..... feel like I just nee to be rescued somehow!! I just feel a mass of anxiety and tension and just want it to stop....... as the day goes on, I start feeling a bit better but at the moment, every morning is the same.

15-12-10, 16:08
mine is 1000 times worse morning and evenngs. The odd afternoon i am really bad like today too

30-12-10, 12:58
Hi all

I always feel worse on a morning, just as I am waking up. For me it is all the anxious thoughts running around in my head, too many driving me crazy. I read somewhere that this could be down to having not eaten for 8 hours or more and dreaming in sleep and sugar levels being low, I do not know how true this is or why it makes my thoughts worse, but it is a possibility. I tend to get up and put the TV or radio on and make my breakfast and get ready for work, this helps distract me from the catastrophic thinking too much _ this is what my therapist and GP said I was doing making mountains out of molehills and thinking negatively.

I have also started using bachs rescue remedy, which is a herbal remedy and it is helping to relax me.

Emma (aka) wildmage

31-12-10, 10:45

I definatly feel worse in the morning, i have had anxiety on and off for over 2 years and it has been back with me since late october, i dread getting up as i feel so weak and unwell, almost like i have onset of flu! i always perk up later on but the anxiety is still there, i think it is just about changing the way we think when we wake up, its a vicious circle anxiety and gives alot of symptoms which makes us worry more!


31-12-10, 10:56
Yes it's always worst in the mornings for me too.
I feel so ill sometimes that I'm sure I need a doctor or even hospital.....
What I've done is to keep a diary - making notes during the day and noting my level of anxiety from 1 to 10.
Usually in the evenings I feel completely better and can't believe that I felt so ill earlier in the day. I used to put it down to a flu bug or something but then I realised that I couldn't always have a bug for just the first half of the day.
Keeping the diary has really helped me as when I feel bad in the mornings I can look back and see I had the same symptoms yesterday or last week and - guess what? they disappeared so it couldn't have been anything more than anxiety.
Once you know what it is it's a big help.