View Full Version : anxiety or serious heart/lung problem???

15-12-10, 10:04
I want to start by saying i had a 6 and 12 lead ecg in september that were both normal.

my blood pressure is usually 126/87 and my pulse is prettly normal.

however over the last few days i have developed a new and extremely worrying symptom.

I have this feeling like something is sat on my chest or something is smothering me sort of a cross between the two. I am not gasping for breath and I am not in too much pain, just the odd twinge. I do feel these are muscular though as I get touch the spot and its tender.

I have been suffering terrribly with indegestion and wonder if its connected. I am extremely bloated at the moment and it seems my stomach is barely moving when i breathe. the feeling i have in my bloated stomach is very similar to that in my throat and upper chest and if i press on this area the pressure increases but is not unbearable.

my last trip to the docs was 10 days ago at which time he listened to both my heart and lungs and said both sounded totally fine.

I am currently on my period and suffering a cold and cough and I am asthamtic.

I am not asking for a diagnosis as I know you can not provide one I would just like your opinion on what could be causing this problem and if you have experienced anything similar as I am very anxious about this. also do any of you girls find your panic and anxiety greatly worsens before and during your period?

thanks in advance for your replies. :)

15-12-10, 11:02

15-12-10, 23:33
I would say indigestion to be honest.

16-12-10, 04:02
Hey michellebelle...
I experience very similar symptoms to the ones you describe. I have suffered from pretty much constant indigestion for around 6 months, although the last 3 weeks it’s become much worse due to my increased anxiety and stress level. The other night I felt so ill that my breathing felt very restricted and uncomfortable and I felt as though someone was sitting on my chest and smothering me, I also felt as though something was stuck in my throat and as if someone was strangling me. It is not a pleasant feeling at all. This has caused me even more stress and I now feel breathless every day and experience skipped heartbeats and huge thuds in my chest. I have asthma, but have taken my inhalers, however there has been no improvement, so the breathing trouble must be down to this terrible indigestion. My stomach has felt terrible too, as if it’s about to burst. I’ve had this for a few weeks and my anxiety is pretty constant, so feel this has developed because of all my persistent worrying.
I’m seeing my GP tomorrow and hopefully will get to the bottom of this. I’m pretty sure it’s related to your indigestion, but you should go and get it checked out to be safe. Hope you feel better soon :)