View Full Version : worried has any one else felt like this

15-12-10, 10:04
i posted on here last nite because i have to babysit for my daughter in the morning one my own my granson is only 3 and its made me very anxiouse and scared to do it incase i have a panic attack or something and he wont be able to help me.and i feel so stupid thinking like thisas im 54 and thinking surely anxiety cant make you feel like this just want some reassurance that it is only anxiety

15-12-10, 10:27
just keep him occupied with toys or kids tv and do what you need to do to calm down. You will be fine, he'll probably dsitract you some much you won't even panic :) Enjoy him :)

15-12-10, 16:24
I have my grandson every thursday from 7.30am until evening. I worry that if anything happens to me that he will not be able to look after himself and will come to harm. I try to get him out as much as I can where other people are and it seems to help but the weather is not always kind. Its such a responsibility looking after someone elses child not when you were younger and took everything in your stride.