View Full Version : chest pain/wind

15-12-10, 12:05
:wall: so my chest is still hurting - a lot, I had really bad wind last night and so made myself sick which fixed the wind, right enough, but ended up with a really sore chest bang in the centre this morning, I'm coughing too. It's like a squeezing, tight feeling and radiates to my back. My left arm also feels weak too but on telling my gp yesterday, she said "I honestly promise, cross my heart, it is not your heart" and said I might be focusing on minor sensations too much? I want to phone nhs 24 but too flipping scared! I even emailed british heart last week, who sent a message back explaining about ectopics and why they are OK, but after that the chest pain and left arm pain started. I should mention I have had 4 ecgs done in the past month - all of which were apparently fine? I can't understand why then I am getting all these symptoms, and gp isnt worried at all? :( I should mention I get really bad heartburn, am full of the cold, my period started yesterday, and have had excess wind now for the last few days - cant stop burping.

15-12-10, 12:11
i could of written this myself from start to finish, absolutely every last word, i think if it truly was our hearts we would know by now.....right?

15-12-10, 12:14
Ah just read your thread - yep, very similar, well at least we know we're not alone.. I suppose if doctors aren't worried then we have to stop worrying too eh! I do get breathless occasionally with this but try to ignore it - I think I am breathing wrong and that - I always feel like I can't breathe right before I burp haha.

15-12-10, 12:16
yep, we are going through the same thing. are you extremely bloated right now, i am and im wondering if its that putting the pressure on my chest

15-12-10, 12:17
Yeah I am - that's what I've been thinking too, as it gets worse when I lie down.

15-12-10, 12:19
mine too! I can not lie on my back, it feels like it did when i was pregnant. i think maybe its more to with our stomachs then our chests

15-12-10, 12:24
Yeah same here - right now it's like a stabbing pain on the right side, a general feeling of tightness/fullness, gurgling in my tummy and still an achy left arm.. throat feels sore too :( aaargh wish I could feel better!

15-12-10, 12:28
I have all these things, we are both young, im sure we will be fine. its about taking a leap of faith and trusting in what are docs say, its so hard i struggle too. I am so sure its indegstion and nothing more, at least thats what i pray it is

15-12-10, 14:40

i would ask you to have a look at the replies you received on your other thread, and try and reassure yourself with others being in the same boat, your ECGs, and the words people have offered you.

take care :hugs: