View Full Version : First day back after 2 weeks...

15-12-10, 16:02
...off sick with anxiety.

(3 weeks previous)
So everything was going fine till one day "BOOM", my heart started to race, my chest got tight, I couldn't breath, I felt dizzy, I had a migraine, I felt hot and my head was shaking. I thought it was flu, so after a few days off, I returned to work, only to find that I suffered from the same symptoms again. I thought theres something wrong with me, so I went to the doctors and he told me I was suffering from anxiety/panic attacks, brought on from stress at work. I was signed off for 2 weeks...

...and today was my first day back. It was awful, I felt like I was 6 again dreading going back to school after the holidays. I cried and cried and cried. I even cried in front of the guy that owns the company I work for, so after talking with him for an hour, I felt better and it actually helped to get a few things off my chest. (particually the fact that my manager is shit at her job, and couldn't be more unsympathetic if she tried)

Sorry to rant on but I had to get it off my chest.

Cya for now.

Cherry x

15-12-10, 16:18
Well done Cherry
I take it it was this s$&t manager that was in part the reason for your anxiety? Well done for dealing with it. Goes to show if there are things affecting our ability to function correctly they need addressing however tough it may seem.

15-12-10, 16:27
Thank you. Yes the s**t manager was partly the reason for my suffering from anxiety. Plus we all stuck together at work and the s**t managerial skills have been found. So hopefully things will start to change for the better now.