View Full Version : Period post.... ladies please

15-12-10, 16:43
Hi everyone,

Think im just wanting abit of reassurance really...

Last week i posted about awful ovary pain and back ache which i was really worrying about.. iv now come on my period this morning which in some way is a relief that nothing is seriously wrong but i still dread my periods..

They are very irregular and iv not had a 'normal' period for about 3-4 months (usually only get abit of bleeding for 2 days and its very light) but this one is a normal period for me and is bleeding more... and with that iv got the stomach cramps from time to time and i feel soooo tired and drained.... im freeking out abit though as i feel abit sick with it! I have a huge vomit phobia and im terrified of feeling sick and actually being sick..... is it commmon to be sick whilst on your period??? Iv never been sick with it before but i always worry and because i feel abit sick today my anxiety has rocketed!!!

Iv been in work today and had an awful morning (it was only my half day in) iv had about 4 panic attacks and was incredibly anxious for the whole time i was there... my heart was pounding, i was really hot and shaky and felt awful.... iv got abit better with my panic attacks in the last few months but my period always make me worse so i knew today would be a struggle.... I now feel absolutly drained from it all, but i just cant calm down because im scared im going to be sick!

Iv got a full day in work tomorrow and im absolutly dreding it... what if i wake up and still feel sick! Dont think i could handle it... but i know iv got to try and calm down tonight so i can get a good nights sleep to be able to handle the anxiety tomorrow, otherwise im going to feel even more awful if iv not slept... xx

15-12-10, 17:02
I sometimes have both diarreha and nausea with my period. I also have these symptoms with anxiety.
I know my anxiety can be greater around the time of my cycle because of the hormone swings.

Try pampering yourself. A warm bath, some candles. Music you like. Relax your whole body and breathe slow and calm.
Heat pads help with cramping, and I couldn't live the first two days of my period without some ibuprophen. It does wonders!!

I read your other post as well, and I want to add that my cycle is different each month in the symptoms that come with it. Sometimes almost no cramps, sometimes unbearable. Sometimes I have ovary pain at ovulation, sometimes I do not for months in a row. Low back pain is very common for me as well. Sometimes pain radiates down my thighs.

Sounds like you need to pamper yourself a little, take care of yourself. Be aware that hormones can do crazy things to our moods. Do something you enjoy, or do nothing at all, just relax and breathe.
Someone told me once that Native American women used to all go to a teepee together when they were bleeding. They believed several things, as to why they did this, one being that they were dirty.... LOL but I choose to ignore that part of the story..... the part I like is, they also believed that the flow of blood and cleansing somehow lead to their best creativ\e energies. The ladies would spend the time in the teepee together quilling, and stitching, and weaving. Maybe you might want to try relaxing a bit, then do something creative. Do you like to draw, or paint, or decorate, or play music, sew, craft, whatever ?
Take this negative feeling time and try to turn it into a special positive time. If you can.
good luck!! I hope you feel better!!:hugs:

15-12-10, 17:56
I came on my period yesterday and the second day is always the worst for me! I always feel really really sick, especially with the really bad period pains. A lot of women do so I think it's completely normal! I've never ever actually been sick with the nausea it gives me either so you shouldn't worry. Hopefully you will be feeling loads better after a good nights sleep. :) xx

15-12-10, 18:00
I have a big fear of feeling sick and throwing up too.:ohmy:

I always feel sick when i'm on my period and a couple of days before too. Not a nice feeling.

I bet you'll wake up and feel a lot better tomorrow.

Hope you do


15-12-10, 18:02
I hope you feel better soon. I think our hormones really make our bodies do wacky things. I also have bowel issues and nausea with my periods.Some months, I even have flu like symptoms. If you can, visit your ob-gyn to ease your worry. So yes, it is very common to feel sick during this time.

15-12-10, 19:36
Thank you for your replies everyone :hugs:

Im hoping after a good sleep il feel abit better... dont feel sick anymore and iv calmed down alot, just very tired!

Think il jus hav to be brave tomorrow and deal with it and get through work... i might take some ibuprofen with my breakfast in the morning, it might make me feel abit better!

I hate being a woman sometimes with all these hormones :wacko: xx