View Full Version : Help with chronic indigestion plus sickness bug please

15-12-10, 16:45
Hi -

I wonder if someone here can help...

I have currently got that dreadful sickness bug (I think) and I have been taking paracetamols all day. I do find it difficult to swallow tabs at the best of times and now find I have got the worse case of indigestion! I cannot lay down with it, the pain is crushing and I am in tears with frustration - I need to sleep of my bug but the indigestion is sp painful and I have had it since 11pm!!

I have been taking indigestion sweets (chewy mint things) and also some tablets with food that my doctor prescribed when it got so bad previously.

My question is do you think it will be alright to take a sleeping tablet on top of everthing else I have taken today? If it is the only thing to help then I want to knock myself out...

Any tips on indigestion helpful too before I jump out of the window in hope it will knock it out of me (joking - but tearful)

ppppHellll[ I need sleep

15-12-10, 16:53
I can't say I know for sure about taking a sleeping pill.

I will tell you that I have a friend who suffered excruciating indigestion and heart burn with her pregnancies. She swore by chewing dried papaya bits. Said she had great success with those.

For me, I have found that sometimes, something as simple as chewing a piece of gum seems to help.

It sounds like you are feeling crappy and your immune system is taking a hit and that has opened the way for anxiety to creep in and wreak it's havoc as well.
You might try putting on some music you like (calmish music) turning down the lights, sit up in a comfy chair and just relax for about 15 minutes. Shut your eyes and listen to your breathing, and the music of course. Breathe slow and not too deep so you don't get dizzy. Start with your head and go all the way down to your toes, picturing them, relaxing them, and letting them loose.
Also warm milk, if you are not allergic can help sleep and heart burn. sip it slowly.

hope something I wrote here helps!!

15-12-10, 17:29
Thank you..will try warm milk.

No better :(