View Full Version : depression

fretty freda
15-12-10, 18:38
hi for 10 years ive had depression an anxiety thats it for life now , ive had every pyhcotherapy available to me , i get giddy excited happy and then bang depression hits one day i am up the next i am down i never know what to expect , i have little interest in anything and anyone i dont like socialising and i like being alone most of the time all i do is sleep i am permanently exhausted and have no motivation what should i do , i am on cipralex 10 mg , should i change medication , think my gp will just tell me to increase the dose which will prob make me more tired an exhausted

ps ive tried the gym ive tried socialising ive tried activities but the depression always comes back and i feel like i am going down a slippery slope again

15-12-10, 18:52
Hello Fretty. I'm sorry that you have been suffering with depression for ten years. I too suffer with severe recurrent depression. There are times when I'm am very low and ill but I wont let it beat me. I don't know what the best treatment for you would be but it sounds like a combination of drugs and talking therapy and support would help you? CBT is a therapy which is more based in the 'here and now' rather than digging up the past like 'psychotherapy. Maybe you could ask your GP if that is available in your area? I have got to the point in my life where I know that the depression will come back so I have various contingencies in place. I take a combination of an anti depressant and a mood stabilser, have regular visits to my GP (monthly) plus contact with my psychiatrist if I need it. I try to exercise and also work part time. I get very very tired sometimes but try not to nap during the day. Going to an exercise class with other people might help you? Exercise sometimes makes us feel less tired. You do not say whether you are working. All I can say is that you need to keep going (especially in these dark winter months) Talk to people about how you are feeling. I know that it is hard but your mood will eventually lift. EJ.

fretty freda
15-12-10, 18:55
i work part time , ive had cbt , how would mood stabilisers help me and what would make my doctor prescribe them why hasnt he already done so and what would the side effects be ? thanks xx

15-12-10, 19:38
i work part time , ive had cbt , how would mood stabilisers help me and what would make my doctor prescribe them why hasnt he already done so and what would the side effects be ? thanks xx
I don't know Fretty. I was just using that as an example of the type of treatment that has helped me. I am on lithium 1,000mg and it has saved my life. I know that I won't hopefully suffer from those awful depressions of my teens and early twenties. I was very ill before I was put on lithium almost at the point of hospital admission. It might be worth mentioning this to your GP although such treatment is best started by and monitored by a psychiatrist. Drugs are not the whole story and I fight and try very hard because I know what the negative consequencies are if I don't. I have had CBT too and also hypnosis. Some of this was NHS and some private. I believe from your post that you feel unsupported? Do you have a CPN? EJ

15-12-10, 19:41
Hi again lithium has an impressive list of side effects some irreversible such as kidney and thyroid damage. I have been lucky to have avoided most of them. I do go for three monthly blood tests to monitor these things. EJ.

15-12-10, 20:10
I'm not on any meds (fear of meds etc) but I am having cbt for my anxiety. I have had some cbt before that this is different - it's high impact (whatever that means) - and I am finding it really useful. In our area we can self-refer for this treatment but if you can't perhaps you could go back to your doctor and ask for some more cbt. Just because you've had it before doesn't mean you can't have more and maybe it would help. It certainly won't do you any harm! Take care x