View Full Version : PLEASE HELP ASAP. Heart Fear right now

15-12-10, 18:42
a quick note for those who dont know me

36 and had anxiety attacks on and off since 22

For the last 48 hours i have had a constant pain type feeling in my chest which occasionly moves to the lft then right as well as my shoulders and sporadic pain in my lower left part of back

for 5 weeks i have had pain behind my left ear, left cheek and right down the left side of my neck

I am at home alone (live in spain) as hubby is at work until 2am and i am fearing it is a heart attack

ECG is AuG clear as were all previous ones, told possible muscularskeletal problems..

Now my pulse is 78-80 all day but BP ranges from 125/75 - 170/108 throughout the day

i have managed to eat dinner this evening and have a bath - would i still be able to do this if i was having a heart attack:shrug::shrug:

Any help ASAP would be so much appreciated as i am scared to death that i am about to die


15-12-10, 18:44
Hi, No, I do not think you would be able to eat dinner and have a bath if you were having a heart attack. Do you think it could be Computer use, ie postural?

15-12-10, 18:57
Hi, No, I do not think you would be able to eat dinner and have a bath if you were having a heart attack. Do you think it could be Computer use, ie postural?

I honestly dont know :shrug: i googled :ohmy:and it said possible fibromyalgia unless i went with the heart attack options

my cheek /jaw is so tense and numb painkillerss will not work and i have taken 3 diazapem through today and nothing has worked

15-12-10, 19:14
Put your mind at rest and visit the doctors. If they say all is well then you can add these symptoms to your list. My list seems almost endless.

I am sure it is nothing to worry about but I know worry can be as bad as the symptoms. If we did not worry illness would not be a problem.

Take Care


15-12-10, 19:39
I would go to Dr's but here in spain it is a fortune - at least €200 for hospital visit and extra €75 just for ambulance

i dont have the money for rent at the end of the month, let alone the dr's unfortunately

Bp just went to 152/100 back to 128/81 and then somewhere in between but the sweaty palms come every 15 minutes

I take it i really wouldnt be able to sit and type if it was an ACTUAL heart attack or am i just being nieve

15-12-10, 20:06
Heart attack pain is in the centre of the chest and you would know you were having one believe me.

It could be indigestion as that causes pain in all those areas.

15-12-10, 20:11
My girlfriend has had the same pain for the last couple of days, her worry was her heart as well but after she took a nice hot bath then applied a heatpack to her chest the pain got better. Also pain killers helped, as far as im aware they wouldnt help witha heart attack and as Nicola said - indigestion gives all types of pains, especially shoulder and chest pain, as can reflux, gastritis, anxiety and many other causes.

15-12-10, 20:12
it is in the centre of my chest mainly but i also suffer indigestion and have already eaten 6 rennies but no help either :(

painkillers are not helping though and neither has my diazapem

thanks for all ur responses too ;)

15-12-10, 20:35

Symptoms That Are Less Likely to Indicate a Heart Attack. The following are symptoms that are more likely to be due to causes other than a heart event:

Sharp pain brought on by lung movements or coughing
Pain that is mainly or only in the middle or lower abdomen
Pain that can be pinpointed with the top of one finger
Pain that can be reproduced by moving or pressing on the chest wall or arms
Pain that is constant and lasts for hours (although no one should wait hours if they suspect they are having a heart attack)
Pain that is very brief and lasts for a few seconds
Pain that spreads to the legs
The presence of these symptoms, however, does not always rule out a serious heart event.

** Do you think this means i hould be ok as it has now been more than at least 36 hours

15-12-10, 23:18
Yes cos the first few hours after a heart attack are vital so could be dead by now if you did have one! I know that sounds drastic but just trying to reassure you that you are ok as you are still alive.

16-12-10, 08:01

today my by BP is 170/102 pulse 85 and still feel all the same. Is it really true this is all anxiety

16-12-10, 08:57
and also i am on the last day of my menstrual cycle and head is throbbing. Is this causing my BP to raise or is it a sign my bp has risen please

16-12-10, 21:53
BP now 180/100 and 152/95 but pulse remains at 70

is it my heart please

the pain is now in the middle of my chestleft side of left breast

I seriously wannna cry so much as am so scared and i would need to fly 4 hrs to see my dr

please please help me