View Full Version : Anxious about bleach

15-12-10, 19:28
I cleaned the kitchen earlier and used bleach, it was quite strong smelling but I got some fresh air, rinsed my nostrils and took a shower. The smell has mostly gone from my nose but:

1) Cigarettes have a bleach smell to them (this always seems to happen when cleaning with bleach, anyone else find this?)

2) Im really anxious for some reason about it, normally I wouldnt care at all. My breathing is normal, there is no burning or irritation in my eyes or anything like that. Should I ask for advice from NHS Direct or am I just being way OTT?

3) Is it normal to have a bleach smell or taste after cleaning with bleach, do other people find this?

Sorry to ask and thank you for reading.

15-12-10, 19:32
Its common to feel like that Piers ..Perhaps you used too much ?.If theres no irritation you will be fine .I did a bleach -athon as I call it the other day and I was absolutely fine .Stop stressing ..:Dt/c Sue x

Rachel W
15-12-10, 19:42
Chlorine is very strong, and the nose is very sensitive to particles. It only takes a few per billion to smell something so it doesn't mean that there is a lot of it, just that your nose is working properly. The nice thing about bleach is that it eventually breaks down to harmless salts.

15-12-10, 19:52
Hi, You shouldn't need to use bleach?? What is wrong with disinfectant and Cif? Bleach is a very harsh substance and removes colour from clothing etc. if splashed. I only use bleach for the toilet.

15-12-10, 19:56
Thanks for the answers. I have been trying work out the PPM for the bleach I was using but the figure shows 1500ppm which has to be wrong :P

LucyR - I used bleach due to the OCD, I used to use it undiluted for cleaning my hair, skin etc but stopped that about 6 months ago, I now just use normal shower gel :)

I really dont like the stuff but there are some areas I do use it now such as kitchen worktops (rinsed afterwards) and bathroom areas.

15-12-10, 19:58
Hi, That sounds awful undiluted bleach on your hair and skin?? I am surprised you did not get admitted to hospital with your skin coming off? I wonder what OCD has to do with bleach??

15-12-10, 20:00
Its germ type OCD so bleach is a chemical that kills pretty much any bacteria/virus.

And I have to say even with using undiluted bleach on my skin there was not even a rash, very suprised but still i thought it best to stop and worked with my CBT guy to do that and managed it.

15-12-10, 20:13
Hi, Oh I see, have you heard about "friendly bacteria"??

15-12-10, 20:19
Hi, Oh I see, have you heard about "friendly bacteria"??

Yep, I am working towards those. One exposure was to drink Actimel, that goes against everything my OCD believes in! But I managed it.

15-12-10, 20:24
Hi, Oh I see, very good! What exactly does OCD about germs make you think, does it make you think you will contract a serious disease from this.