View Full Version : am returning back to work in the new year!!

15-12-10, 19:51
Im going back to work january 7th after being off since about April, im going into a new role which will be less stressful so im looking forward to it, a new challenge and i hope once im in there i can work my way up. i see achievement. i feel ready for this but im still having real low days its more depression at the moment, work have stopped my money so im worrying over money which that gets me down. i really want to be able to spoil my nephews and neice at xmas. my anxiety seems better tho, i went in a shopping centre on my own today and supermarket. i didnt feel any anxiety at all either. I really hope in january it will all be a new beginning a new role in my job which will be challenging :) x

15-12-10, 19:57
That's fantastic Hayley, so pleased for you Hun. Well done on the shopping centre today and supermarket. Wishing you all the very best in your new role. You nephews and niece are lucky to have you for an aunt. Hugs Hun you know where I am if you need me xxx well done xxx

15-12-10, 20:10
Congrats and well done so glad your feeling better, don't worry about spoiling your neices and nephews their will be many more christmases for you to do that. take care x

15-12-10, 20:32
Well done Hayley. Let us know how it goes :)

17-12-10, 13:07
Hope your new job goes well.......
and have a nice Christmas break. Any time anxiety free is a good time.
Keep it up.
Working always helps your self esteem so best of luck.
