View Full Version : My Heart just stopped, so scared right now!!

15-12-10, 20:14
i was just relaxing and watching tv and felt happy, but then i felt my heart suddenly stop in my chest, i immediately put my fingers to my pulse and there was no beat for around 5 seconds, and then a sudden huge thud. it was so uncomfortable and im so so so scared, i dont know what to do, i couldnt breathe when it happened. i really thought i was going to die just then, thats the longest pause ever... it just stopped and i wasnt even anxious, but now im in such a state.

im seeing my gp tomorrow at half 4 but im so worried and im all alone and dont know what to do, i cant stop shaking and my chest feels so awful.

what can i do, i need help ASAP!! :'( please HELP me

15-12-10, 20:18
Although I am not a doctor do you really think your heart could stop for 5 seconds and you will still be aware enough to take your own pulse?

I think calling NHS direct would be good, having a chat with a nurse there. Also if you would like to talk I have MSN or message on here.


edit: also what honeyp1e said below is what I was trying to say although I may have come across like a moron lol.

15-12-10, 20:19
it sounds like your just having a bd panic attack and when you looked for your pulse you couldn't feel anything this is just your mind your pulse was still there as are you now you need to take deep breaths and relax xa

15-12-10, 22:12
Sounds like a straight forward ectopic heartbeat which means your hear puts in a quick beat and then pauses for what can feel like quite a few seconds before giving a really hard beat to clear the blood from your heart. You probably could not feel your pulse at first as its not always easy to find but yes your heart can stop as in a long pause but it then corrects itself by giving the hard beat and getting back to normal. This is not harmful but is very frightening. by all means ask your Dr for reassurance but as with most physical symptoms the more you worry the more you will get:mad:

15-12-10, 22:21
i can really feel for you with this ,,ive been having mass attacks of these off an on for weeks,,tonight they started at five and are still going strong,,but ive still managed to walk two dogs cook the dinner ,,crochet wash up and sit here and panic rofl,,so i figure it cant be that bad,,as the paramedics said after being called out to me ,,if my heart was that bad id hardly have the energy to panic,,so try to calm down hun,,i know its blooming scarey it always sets me off into a panic ,,try doing something calming have you a ds or something,,mine really helps dont stop it ,,just helps me stay calm

16-12-10, 03:40
thanks, ive tried to calm down, but im just so worried. i really think im going to die, i felt okay earlier but now i cant sleep and cant stop crying. im such a state, my vision is really blurry and im chest feels horrible. my heart beat is not fast and hasnt been at all tonight, it's normal atm, but then it feels like it's stopped and when i check my pulse there is no beat. has this started happening because im really stressed? ive never noticed it before until the last few weeks. i cant live like this, im so worried its just going to stop and kee visualising it happening, so im just waiting for it to stop and to die. i have a doctors appointment tomorrow, but i feel so embarrased to talk about this, do you think he will laugh at me? my body is so tense and i feel like jumping off a buliding, i cant live like this anymore, i cant control my mind, im such a mess and need to be locked up. :(

blue moon
16-12-10, 03:51
Hi sounds like panic attack,try and breath from your abdomen and hold it in for 5seconds and then breath out let all the air out and do the same again.Do this for as long as you like it will help you get your breathing back in control,you will not die.
Petra x

16-12-10, 16:54
I have had this same thing happen. For me, this started when I was a teen. I was happily hanging out in my room sitting on my bed. All of a sudden I noticed my heart stop beating. I totally freaked out and thought I was on my way out. It started beating again, and all was well.

I'm now 45, and this still happens to me. Most of the time it happens when I am at rest, and laying down reading or watching TV. I have asked several different doctors over the years about it, and they said it was perfectly normal. I have even had a few EKG's and everything was normal. At one doctor appointment, the nurse actually told me she has the same thing.

I wouldn't worry about it at all. My mom and sister both have the same thing with their heart. I tend to notice it more if I'm really tired and worn out.

16-12-10, 18:33
hi Douglas, thanks for your reply :)

It's just very scary but so many people have told me that they're harmless, the thought of it makes me feel sick though! Do you think they have started because of my anxiety, since no one in my family suffers from any heart problems?

I went to see my doctor today and he thought i might have an overactive thyroid, however, i had blood tests done in August and everything looked good then, so he said there is no need for me to have another blood test. I mentioned my heart, and he just laughed, which made me feel stupid, but he's obviously not concerned then? he didn't check my pulse or listen to my chest.

He thinks my anxiety has increased because i moved away from home to start uni. I agree with him on that, but the stress have built up and is now affecting many aspects of my body: my heart, eyes, ears, head, tummy. I feel terrible. I've been prescribed 20mg of Citalopram, which he said will make me feel worse before better. I'm due to see him again next week to see how i'm feeling, but he said to try and stick on them because things will improve gradually. But I'm still going to feel crappy over christmas, where's the fun in that!?

I've heard that a lot of people feel their heart stop, but these are anxious people who worry over their health and are more aware of their body and the different sensations... i find i often look for problems, and that's how i first discovered these pauses. so far i've not woken in the night because my heart has stopped beating, i only notice them if im thinking about my heart or am very anxious and concentrating on my breathing. I also have indigestion so often get uncomfrotable feelings in my chest.

Thanks for your reply, much appreciated :)

16-12-10, 22:06
My heart will actually stop for a few seconds, then beat three or four times really fast, then back to a normal heart rhythm. There is no pain, and it has done this since I was a teen. I don't have any anxiety over this at all. I have gotten used to it, and if it was going to kill me, it would have by now. It mainly happens at rest, most times when I am laying back with my hands above my head. It typically will do it right after I lay down.

17-12-10, 02:16
okay thanks :) do you think a change in diet might help reduce them? i suffer from bad indigestion and my chest constantly feels uncomfortable, i think that could be another contributing factor to these pauses. i've not had a rapid heartbeat for over a month now, it's about 80 beats per min, i think thats normal-ish? when i notice the pause i have a horrible feeling in my chest and then cant feel a pulse for a few secs.. maybe my mind is playing tricks on me and its just indigestion. either way, all i know is that i feel awaful and extremely worried about it all the time.

hopefully reducing my stress will relieve these symptoms and my indigestion. I've lost over a stone because of my worry and lack of eating, plus im only consuming junk, say a couple packs of crisps a day, a little chocolate and maybe a pizza some days. i guess all of these factors aren't exactly helping my situation!!


17-12-10, 02:26
No lol....sounds like extreme stomach irritation. Its bad enough that regular food does the samething to me.What you eat would surely be the death of me :-) I just was reading some of your post about your symptoms. WOW you have a bunch..Hope you are feeling better..Michael

11-10-15, 02:28
I have been having this same issue the last two nights when I was lying down to rest . It felt like my heart stopped so I jumped out of bed cause I thought my heart was stopping. Ive noticed that putting something cold on my neck helps. It's so scary trust me I know especially if you're scared of dying. I would try that it helps me. If you were stressed you might be having anxiety or panic attacks.

13-10-15, 16:07
If your heart stopped you wouldn't be able to check it ?