View Full Version : Tired after operation

15-12-10, 21:01
Hi all,

My wife had a laproscopy (I think thats how you spell it) about a week ago. However since she has felt rather tired.

She now has a urine infection and an infected wound for which she is on antibiotics.

But is the tiredness normal after the op?

15-12-10, 21:13
Hi there

Did she have a general? If so that can make you tired for a week or so.

But as she has an infection, that's bound to drag her down a bit and make her feel more tired than usual.

Try not to worry and give her lots of TLC, make sure she keeps her fluid intake up and eats regularly - she is lucky to have such a caring hubby.


15-12-10, 22:00
yes you can get very tired and depressed after an op,,i also suffered with feeling sick ,,headaches and could be quite weepy,,hope she gets better soon