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View Full Version : Heartburn? really scared

15-12-10, 21:08
I've been getting what i think is heart burn every day for months now, it gets so painful. It can happen anytime but I usually wake up with it about 4am and that can go on through the rest of the morning mainly.

I dont get pain or burning in my stomach like i've read on symptoms lists and it's never made me sick, but its usally when i feel i need to burp, then i get burning in my throat and it travels to my chest.
My mouth then sometimes fills with hot saliva.

I havent spoken to a doctor about it (im agoraphobic and social/people phobic) so i'm really scared to do so, especially because i'm terrified i'll have to go to hospital.

does this sound like heartburn or something else?

15-12-10, 22:05
It does sound like acid indigestion. Your diet will play a BIG part in this.

You can get some omeprazole from the chemist which is fantastic but make sure it can be used with the other drugs you are on.

15-12-10, 22:10
I do have a bad diet, mainly consisting of bread, i eat a load of bread a day, and rarely much else, although i'm am getting better at eating new foods now.
So i did wonder if bread would cause it, especially since it's pretty much all i eat.

I just wasnt sure if it was indegestion or heartburn because when i have it, i dont feel affected in my stomach, just my throat and chest.

I've googled (bad me!) and now i'm convinced i have a stomach ulcer orcancer, something serious. panicking loads.

I'm just so frightend because i cant do hospitals, i dont even go into the doctors, i have to have home visits, which my fiance has to arrange in secret because otherwise im sick with panic.

My fiance bought me something called Asda heartburn and indegestion liquid tonight, not sure if i should talk to the doctor first before i do.
It says consult a doctor if you are taking any other medicine, i'm on Thyroxine but not sure that counts.

16-12-10, 11:24
Anyone else? I've been driving myself mad Googling and it's frightening and upsetting me. thank you

16-12-10, 13:45
i've suffered from heartburn for over 6 months now... been to the doc and hospital on many occasions. Tried a number of prescriptions and rennie, gaviscone liquid etc. Nothing has helped. My doc told me stress/anxiety can cause it to flare up. I was so ill with it in summer, thats what brought on a huge panic attack, which caused me to call out an ambulance. I was checked over and got the all clear. I managed to relax a month of so afterwards and the indigestion subsided. However, now im so, so stressed I have constant indigestion, no matter what I eat. I burp and the hot acid you describe comes into my chest and throat. It can be very painful sometimes, as if someone is forcing boiling hot water down my throat. I also experience skipped heartbeats and breathlessness, which I'm sure are down to the indigestion, as well as the feeling that someone is sitting on my chest, smothering and strangling me.

I know how scary it can be, the indigestion is the main reason to why my anxiety become much more worse. It sounds like indigestion, but maybe you could call the NHS Direct if youre really worried? I know it's scary and I suffer from social phobia, but i called them the other week and the lady was so, so nice, and i felt so much better afterwards. If not then is there anyone who could call them on your behalf? My mum has phoned up for me before and they were okay with that.


16-12-10, 15:06
You could have an intollerance to bread which is making the reflux worse.

Could you try eating something else instead to see if it settles?

For instance it took me ages to realise my breakfast cereal was contributing to my reflux.

16-12-10, 16:01
I used to get reflux for weeks and weeks at a time, which was really distressing. I found Gaviscon really good, or you could try some Zantac tablets, which you can get from the chemist. One of these should help to sort it out.

17-12-10, 11:01
Thank you for your advice and reassurance.

I do remember last year i had heartburn (or what ever this is) for a few months everyday, then it just disappeared.
That was happening every morning mainly, after breakfast.

Now it's happening at anytime but much worse at night, it lasted all night lastnight, so painful since i got in bed. I've noticed it's worse when i'm lying in bed, because i when i get up in the morning it eases alot, if not altogether.

I've got some Asda Heartburn and Indegestion Liquid to try after dinner, but it says contact a doctor if you are on other medication, i'm on 100 Levothyroxine for an underactive tyhroid but i'm not sure that counts?