View Full Version : Tingling neck and scalp

15-12-10, 21:19
I have had shoulder and neck tension for months. Ive learned to cope with it as its better some days than others.
What really upsets me though is that sometimes I feel a warm,creeping tingling sensation from shoulder which goes up back of neck and over part of my head and into my cheek as well where it seems to stay for some time.

Does anyone know if this might be related to the shoulder tension with the trapezius muscle ? Anyone else had this ?

15-12-10, 21:40
Zee, I used to get this alot. Definately down to tension. The tingling feeling used to make me feel like I was falling off balance too - even if I was sitting down when I got it.

I used to get alot of headaches too but I went to see an oesteopath and can honestly say it has helped heaps. I hardly get the headaches now or tension in my neck and shoulders.

15-12-10, 21:47
Thanks Mich. I have had the lightheaded feeling with it as well at times.
I had this happen about 10 years ago when I was going through really bad shoulder/neck tension. The doc thought it might be hormone related ?
I really hate the feeling though, sends my anxiety up..Did you get it settle in your cheek sometimes as well ?

22-12-10, 21:28
Not in my cheek but the side of my head. Learning how to manage the tension by stretching and sitting properly has really helped, hardly get it at all now :-)