View Full Version : Gotta see the 2 week Cancer Specialist :(

15-12-10, 22:43
Went for a routine appt today with doc to review my medication, am still on the 20mg citalopram and hes happy for me to stay on them. Whilst there i said that my nodes have been up for 3 months now, one or two in neck and about 4 in groin, he had a feel then said "Now i dont want you to panic but im guna refer you to the 2 week cancer specialist and you'll see them within that time, theyl have a expert feel and possibly do some further testing" he then said he wants to be sure as nodes are quite hard and been there for quite some time now..

Now im kinda worried but trying not to concentrate on it, hes sent me for a full blood count for tomorrow morning, so we'll see the results from that in a couple of days... i had one that was Normal when i first noticed the lymph nodes.. so thats a good sign:shrug:

Hes always so nice and never shy of sending me for tests etc, and he even said 'I know you suffer with health anxiety, but as your doctor i need to be thorough, and this all could be stress and ajnxiety but im not willing to just say 'oh its stress n anxiety' if i cannot be 100% sure of that'. I feel glad ive got such a nice doctor as hes the only one ive ever had who hasnt treated me like rubbish coz of my anxiety..

I just want this appt over n done with, then im seeing the Neurologist on 1st February which i tried to get brought forward but couldnt due to xmas period... im so worried but trying to remain positive. I keep thinking to myself that if ive got sumin up im just guna have to deal with it and accept it! its so hard tho! speshly as i have a little 2 year old boy xxx

I just hope its all guna be ok, normal blood tests are a good sign i know that, so am just guna try n stay as psotivie as i can...

ps. im only 23 and i sometimes think to myself, god i have had a complete nervous breakdown and am on the verge of another one, at such a young age!!! My first ever panic attack was extremely bad, and it happened after stupidly taking some illegal drugs...now i cant help but fear that doing those drugs somehow messed with my brain, and no matter what i cannot be changed, or helped to get better, as its actual damage.. but hopefully a Neuro will be able to tell me more.

15-12-10, 23:06
He's just covering his own back, which is perfectly normal for a GP.

I wouldnt worry about having cancer at your age. You have to look at the probabilities. It's probably over a million to one.

Just imagine a million people. Think of a full football stadium. That's about 40k. A million is 25 of them.

16-12-10, 00:19
Hi crazyhayz,

I agree with skippy66.....please try not to be freaked out by the urgent referral thing which is a 2 week referral appt guaranteed in the NHS now which GP's can utilise. Very good in one way, but a bit scary for patients as the assumption is that it must be bad, but to give you a little encouragement, I was recently referred urgently and seen within 2 weeks having gone to my GP where she discovered a lump in my breast. Needless to say I was quite worried about it, but things turned out ok and I now realise that she was doing what a good doctor does, and covering all options. it sounds like you have a very good, thorough doctor too.

The blood test being normal is very encouraging, as with anything sinister the results would be abnormal in some shape or form, so please take heart in that also.

I am sure all will be fine for you and good luck.xxx