View Full Version : shoulder pain, left arm pain really very anxious

15-12-10, 23:08
Hi for the past couple of days I have had really bad pains in my shoulder left one and also pains in my left arm and wrist and up in my neck. Im getting really anxious now and im thinking is it my heart, or could I have been lying the wrong way in bed and Ive done 2 exams today and the day before so Ive been really tense can you strain a nerve or a muscle that goes all the way from your neck to your arm trying to think rationally here, but I know I shouldnt but I was on google and it said shoulder pain can be heart related. Please help I dont want to phone nhs 24 in case they want me to go to a and e. I also have had stomach pain the last couple of days I am wondering whether that is related. I might take a diazepam and see if that helps. But im needing reassurance im driving myself mad, I have been on the computer a lot and the pain is sometimes there when Im leaning over it I think my posture is bad.

15-12-10, 23:11
I woke up a week ago with chest pain radiating to shoulders, neck and head on exertion. I thought I was having a heart attack.

Now, it's nearly gone. It was muscular. Caused by a virus according to my GP.

It's made me see chest pain in a new light - to know that something which feels so bad can be benign is incredibly reassuring.

Relax you are fine.

15-12-10, 23:17
Hi gordie, you've got the answer right - yep the shoulder/arm/neck could def be due to either sleeping/bad posture + tension, and upset tummy due to stress. You're going through a tension full time at the mo - exams! Good luck and take care x

16-12-10, 08:21
It's probably from sleeping wrong, I tend to sleep on my left arm when I am sleeping heavily, and it always is completely numb in the morning from that. After a week of that going on continually my arm would ache for a while, and I would make an effort not to sleep on my arm and it went away. I wouldn't worry too bad, but I would ask your doctor if you are really worried.