View Full Version : help! just had scary missed heart beat

april tones
21-03-06, 21:13
i am shaking and feel weak! i am due on period today. i have felt happy untill just, lying down watching holby and i felt a big boom in my face and head like a head rush and my heart jumped!
feel so frightened!
no matter what i read when it happens i think im gonna collapes or die any ninute

im crying as typing and feeling scared xx


21-03-06, 21:27
You know deep down that you won't collapse or die - that is your imagination taking over.

Take some deep breaths and calm down ok.

You will be fine.


april tones
21-03-06, 21:35
hi, my partner said its proberly adreneline as im due on which caused it then triggered panic attack. like someone else says im on edge for another one. i think now i have calmed down it could be pms quite bad as get bad symtoms before period. im due on today.
it is so frighteneing! xx


april tones
21-03-06, 23:22
hi me again! i been reading up on palpitaions but read list of danger signals and one said light headiness or dizzy. the feeling i felt when i had one tonight was a quick boom in my head of lightheadiness but didnt last very long, seconds! is this classed as that? im very worried.
whats normal what not? thanks xx
