View Full Version : Greetings!! been coming around for a couple days now.....

16-12-10, 02:39
I've decided that since I have been returning daily to the forum, it might be good that I post here (which I should have done first) guess I am a rebel. :D
Truth? I wasn't paying much attention to the set up of the site. Basically I Bee-lined straight to the Health Anxiety forum.

I am a mother. I am in the united states. I am 34. I prefer not to use my real name, I hope everyone can understand that, I can't be the only one. I go by "Five", or just "I_worry_2"

I already posted, basically my whole LONG story in the health forum. It is very long (you've been warned) and I think that a lot of people open it and think, "you're joking right?!! I ain't readin all this!"
The cool thing is though, those who do read it and reply have really got me encouraged. That's a good thing for certain, I need all the positivity I can get right now. I think it is the responses I have received, and also....
ok truth?
I am avoiding google like the plague. Seriously, I think I might be replacing my google addiction with this place........ that can't be all bad? I haven't googled in 3 days!!!
But if you want to know more about me and where I am at in my anxiety, how I might have gotten here, and how I came to find this forum.....
and especially what I plan to do now, then you can read all kinds of that and more here;

look forward to talking with you all!

16-12-10, 02:41
Hi I_worry_2

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

16-12-10, 02:42
hello :welcome:

16-12-10, 02:42
thank you Diane and shaggy!

can anyone tell me...... how do I get a little picture like everyone else? LOL

16-12-10, 02:50
At top of page - click Quick Links - then Edit Profile - then edit Avatar.
From there u can choose from a pic that's there or add your own(suitable).

16-12-10, 02:55
thank you kindly!

16-12-10, 02:56
you're welcome:)

Jamie C
16-12-10, 03:33

Welcome to the forum, i'm new here myself, great place with lots of friendly and helpful people tho!

Cheers Jamie C