View Full Version : Amino Acids and Magnesium cured my anxiety

16-12-10, 10:26
Hello everyone who is reading this,

These are NOT my words, somebody copied and pasted this post from some other website and I am just doing the same thing and pasting it in this forum. I don't know if this works, but it did give me tremendous hope and I want to try it :D

Blessings !

I found this post on a GAD fourm yesterday I pray someone is truly blessed by it!!!
Anxiety Natural Heath Study
Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2009 1:25 pm Post subject: Amino Acids and Magnesium cured my Anxiety

I renamed this post Amino Acids and Magnesium cured my Anxiety to clear up any confusion.

I suffered with anxiety for 12 years. My doctor told me I had GAD and panic attacks. I had all the usual symptoms, I don’t want to list them all here but if it was anxiety related I had it as you can imagine of suffering for 12 years. My doctor gave me the usual gamut of meds some worked while others didn’t the meds that worked didn’t work for long so it was on to the next pill. Therapy didn’t help either it was either listening to people talk about the same thing I was experiencing or it was my doctor just basically asking me how I felt and writing it all down and giving me ides on ways on how to deal with it. I got fed up with meds so I stopped taking them all together. I knew there had to be an answer to my conditions. So I went to the Internet to get answers. I ran across a page that talked about the Mind, Anxiety and Serotonin (published by a few Doctors and Researchers) and the use of Amino Acid for anxiety (I remembered learning about AAs in 9th grade they are the building blocks of proteins), which started to clue me in. So I started searching for Mental Health and Amino Acid I found another page that talked about Amino Acid and Magnesium Chloride, viola I found my answer to my anxiety problems, 5 minutes later I was at my local health food store buying some Amino Acid and Magnesium. When I started taking the Amino Acid and Magnesium it didn’t take long to be free from anxiety. I was better in two weeks and that’s been 11 months ago so I have been completely anxiety free for almost a year now. From what I have read most people have a Magnesium deficiency not to mention other vitamins and minerals deficiencies from which a whole host of problems can arise from. I took the Amino Acids and Magnesium once a day for 6 months now I take it once or twice a week. The particular Amino Acids that I take have most of the B vitamins in it, the B vitamins are needed for a few of the Amino Acids to Cross the Blood Brain Barrier and vica versa. There are two things that the brain uses as fuel for energy one is Sugar and the other is L Glutamine. Anyone interested in this Google mental health and Amino Acid and mental health and Magnesium. Amino Acids are absolutely essential for proper brain function without them the brain breaks down and the rest of the body as well, that’s why there is so much bodily pain associated with anxiety.

Thanks for reading, if you would like info on the stuff that I take feel free to message me

This is also good for Panic Attacks Depression and PTSD

Best Regards Hanino..

Brand Name TwinLabs Amino Fuel It has B1, B2, B6 and B12 vitamins/ L Glutamine powder/ Magnesium Chloride

Research/ Google Amino Acid and Mental Health and Magnesium and Mental Health.. Knowledge is Power.

Magnesium will restore a proper natural fluid balance in the cells in your brain and spinal cord, it will flush out the toxins and replace them with the proper fluids. This is Where the Amino acids come into play, once the toxins are flushed out the Aminos will jump into action making chemicals in the brain that it could not make before due to the toxins thus taking the brain back in to it’s normal operating mode.

God bless


16-12-10, 10:30
Hi Spacey

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

16-12-10, 10:35
Something to add.. I don't know if you can be on meds and try this at the same time. Please discuss with your GP about mixing with meds. Or just discuss with your GP if this is right for you before you try it out. I just copied and pasted the information, so please take it as hope. I can't answer any questions regarding this kind of treatment plan.
I'm saying this because the person who copied and pasted this on another forum had a lot of people asking them questions, as if they were the original poster.

Peace :)

16-12-10, 18:14
Thanks Spacey; sounds very interesting; I will look into this. I suffer anxiety and panic attacks and anything that will help apart from anti depressants and tranquillisers will be very welcome!


16-12-10, 18:29
Thank you so much for this info, I may work on integrating it in my life.

evil monkey
16-12-10, 20:32
interesting yup, from fitness related stuff, glutamine is the most abundant amino acid in the body, its a very cheap tablet (£5 for 100 or something). muscle fibres are made of amino acids

The idea in fitness is that if body needs a lot of X, If you don't provide it with enough X, it will dive into its own stores (as in, use whats already in the body). that twinlabs is a popular brand. the tub will probably have a photo of a souped up BB on it

from what ive read stuff like zinc and magnesium are chemicals that encourage absorption of whatever it is (glutamin in this case)

17-12-10, 08:25
not saying it doesnt work but, if thats all that it took to cure it id love it. gona talk to my doctor. ty for the post.