View Full Version : Completely freaking out in work... on the verge of just walking out!!

16-12-10, 13:35
I feel awful, my body and instinct is telling me to get the hell out of here... but my brain is making me stay put!!

I came on my period yesterday and just feel awful with it.. i feel so sick (probably made worse with my anxiety) I have a huge vomit phobia and i just cant deal with it...

I forced myself into the office this morning but it was a hell of a task.. stopped a couple of times on the way grabbing my phone to ring in sick but i stopped myself and pushed myself through the door so i do feel please with myself for doing that....

I took two ibuprofen to help with period - i also struggle with taking medication but i had too in order to feel abit better.

Im now sat here feeling so sick again :weep: iv taken another 2 ibuprofen because it has been over 4 hours since the last and im making myself sit here.... im so scared!!!!

Please reassure me im going to be ok!! and that you dont throw up due to your period?!!! I never had done but this one is heavier than normal..

I dont know wot to do, i just want to escape x

16-12-10, 13:55
Hi there

It's very unlikely that you'll throw up with your period - do you have emetophobia? If you have a warm drink, that might have with the tummyache. Unfortunately, anxiety seems to get worse with periods for lots of people (me included), but hang on in there as you'll make it.

16-12-10, 14:02
Thankyou for your reply - yeah iv suffered from emetophobia for the last 11 years (started when i was 11) so its just making everything much worse!

Yeah my anxiety goes sky high when im on too... very annoying!

Everyone poorly here too and complaining they dont feel well etc which isnt helping but im going to try and be strong xx

16-12-10, 14:07
Just try and do the stuff that you know you're going to be Ok with. :hugs:

16-12-10, 14:08
you *can* do this fairy!

correct me im wrong, but you felt very sick yesterday and last night...and you weren't sick were you???

i think periods often bring on nausea and also a bit of a wobbly tummy, but i have never been sick from my period, only when i started like 10 years ago cause i think it was such a shock to my system!!!

so please don't worry. don't let this worry win. distract yourself with some work or playing some games on this site. have a lovely bath when you get in, or plan what you are going to do when you get home. what is leaving work going to help how you feel? don't give in, you can ride this out!!

i know periods are horrid but you know that's all this is, and your hormones will be all over the shop. punch anxiety in the face and say you can do this, cause you can!


16-12-10, 17:05
You seem to have had a similar day to me, although I aren't on my period yet, argh! At least you've taken some tablets, as they always help me when I feel sick. I did leave work early due to the fact I couldn't take being in that environment any longer, so you've done better than me by staying. you are going to be just fine, I know it :)

16-12-10, 19:21
Thanks for your replies everyone, really appreciate it!

I managed to stay.. im pleased with myself that i got in today and stayed without running out or having to nip out for air!

I feel exhausted now though so going to calm down and try and get an early night, ready to do it all again tomorrow :unsure: x