View Full Version : Liver levels up on blood tests,doing the usual :(

16-12-10, 13:51
Apparantly some of my liver levels are raised..I don't know what the hell that means..I don't want to know..but I'm freaking out as I have been having pain in the upper right side of my stomach which is shock..where your liver is!
I have myself with cancer,hepatitis or liver failure or something now. :'( I mean,I have to get more blood taken next Wed and then the ultrasound is on the Thursday.
What does elevated liver thingys mean?!

16-12-10, 13:57
I'm not sure whether I can help out much with this, but there are a few nurses on here who will probably know. Have you been drinking much alcohol, as I know this can raise the levels.

16-12-10, 19:20
Hi thanks for the reply. Where are the nurse?I read the liver function section here but it's just made me worse. :weep:

16-12-10, 22:15
Raised liver enzymes can be something or nothing which I know is not much help but maybe I can explain. Loads of things can raise your liver emzymes from gallstones to drinking too much alcohol to liver disease to no reason at all. Depending on which enzymes are raised your Dr will have some idea of likely reason. If your billirubin is raised then you are often sent for an ultrasound to see i fyou have gallstones - if certain others are raised then the Dr will know that you are drinking too much and so on through to hepatitis b to your pancreas not working properly the list is endless. Quite a few people have raised levels and they have nothing wrong with them - I have a friend like this and he has had endless tests and nothing wrong but for past 5 yrs every liver test is wrong but maybe its normal for him.

You need to ask you Dr what they think - what did they say or are they doing any further tests????

16-12-10, 22:26
Do you drink a lot of alcohol?

17-12-10, 22:18
The weekends mostly yeah :(

17-12-10, 22:52
Alcohol will raise the liver blood tests.

When you say a lot do you mean just a few glasses or a lot?

I am not judging you at all here so please don't think that - I am just trying to gauge whether this could effect the blood tests at all.

18-12-10, 13:04
Hi Nic,I drink at the weekends with friends and sometimes once through the week but when I had the tests done I hadn't drank in a few weeks so would it still show? Just worried because I do drink and I'mnow getting pain in that area :( I'm constipated too but I dunno if you get pain there when you aren't going regularly. My period still hasn't came and did ANOTHER preg test last night,negative. My body just seems to be giving up on me xx

18-12-10, 22:57
it can take months for your liver enzymes to return to normal after you hve stopped drinking alcohol so just stopping for a few weeks will not have any long term effect on improving your liver levels. Again your Dr will be able to guess at cause of elevation of liver levels and should have said something to you.

What did he say to you???

I'm not judging you in any way but if you want to help your liver then the best thing you can do in the whole wide world :yesyes: is to stop drinking or at least only drink a small amount occasionally. binge drinking once a week is very bad for your liver you are better having a single drink two or three times a week.

Let us know what your Dr says.

18-12-10, 23:10

When i had a blood test a few years ago my liver function came back above the normal range. I was told this often happens when you are on anti depressant medication. I was on citalopram.

There are a number of different liver tests so depending on which ones are raised it would be hard to say. So not necessarily to do with alcohol.

mandie x

18-12-10, 23:20
I used to get this about every other time I went to the doctor and they would take another test and it wouldn't be up.But I used to get headaches everytime I was going to have to go to the doctor and would be taking tylenol and it would show up .. as liver levels being up.. then the next time I took the test i wouldn't be taking tylenol and they would come back clear..Ask for another test.. Michael