View Full Version : blurred vision and ringing in head/ears

16-12-10, 13:57
When I was 14 my anxiety started to become worse and I had very bad, constant headaches for months. Around that time I began noticing these little fuzzy dots and bubble shapes when i looked at the sky. My GP said it was probably short-sightedness, however I had an eye test and didn't need glasses. The only alternative she came up with was that I was dehydrated. I hardly ever drink water and mainly fizzy drinks and cups of tea, but I know I don't drink enough, because I'm rarely thirsty, so i forget to drink!!

The dots/bubbles were annyoing, but i managed to forget about them. I've been VERY stressed recently and have noticed the fuzziness becomming worse and now everything is blurry and looks as if it's moving. I'm looking at the screen right now and the words are moving around and I can't focus on them properly. All the objects around me appear somewhat blurred, and it's as if raindrops are falling around me :S. I'm really worried about this, I don't feel myself and this is accompanied by a really loud ringing in my head and ears.

Do you think this is due to stress, dehydration or my eye sight or soemthing worse? I really want to enjoy christmas without all this worry!!!

16-12-10, 20:13
No..I don't think its your eyesight but im not a doctor.I too have this and suspect its the same culprit as what I mentioned about your heart stopping..Its just anxiety because your eye doctor would have caught it if there was a problem with your eyes..Anxiety can sure play tricks on us.Its really not funny but just like myself I think if you try to relax a little you will be ok.Let me know how things go.Just take a deep breath and relax and try to think of something calm. I really believe with all my heart you will be fine.Michael

16-12-10, 20:16
How long since you were tested? Do you use pc a lot?

02-01-11, 07:27
Visual snow

02-01-11, 13:50
i also have loads of eye problem which have been going on for about 4 months lots of spots and fuzzy vision i cant understand how anxiety can effect my eyes 24/7 i have tried to ignore it but its so hard not to let it get to me some days are better than other but i just cant seem to stop thinking about and when it get really bad other health anxieties kick in and i get a spaced out feeling

02-01-11, 13:57
The world moving around sounds like Vertigo and is generally associated with problems with the inner ear. However, I believe it is also associated with stress/anxiety.

Blurry vision could just be your eyes, keep in mind the two things may not be linked.