View Full Version : Urine infection

16-12-10, 14:38
Hi I have a urine infection and been on antibiotics for three days and my urine us still cloudy ? Why

16-12-10, 14:42
did they take a urine sample? you may need different antibiotics, or have a particularly nasty infection.

16-12-10, 14:52
Cloudy urine isn't necessarily a sign of infection, but if you are still having other symptoms you need to get back to the doc, taking a sample with you. I've just finished my second course of antibiotics and not convinced my uti has gone x

16-12-10, 15:02
did they take a urine sample? you may need different antibiotics, or have a particularly nasty infection.

Yes they did take a sample but I was ok yesterday just this morning I felt like this ?

17-12-10, 03:41
Sometimes its what you are eating too..Its funny before I started having problems.."down there" I never looked at my urine..so I have nothing to compare it too..

17-12-10, 11:06
It is only 3 days and you have to give the meds a chance to work. Urine infections have a tendency to be stubborn unless treated well - for a substantial amount of time with the correct antibiotics.

As long as the most invasive symptoms such as having to wee frequently, burning pain, etc. start to lessen I would not worry about your cloudy urine.

17-12-10, 18:48
hi just had doc on phone and she said that i do have an infection but the antibiotics that she gave me wouldnt touh it so rather than wait till monday she said she would drop it off at house ?i knew it wasnt clearing up ?it usually goes away in aday or so ?xxthanks for your replys?