View Full Version : Under arm pain

16-12-10, 14:55
Hello everyone. It's been along time since I posted but I do visit from time to time. That's not to say Im still not suffering from Health Anxiety. I still have some very bad days.

Like today.. and yesterday and the day before.. im at my wits end. It all started last Friday when I noticed a bruised feeling in my left calf.. straight away.. its a clot.. fretted all weekend.. today is the only day ive not fretted over it so much.. mainly because the feeling is easing but now i have a new symptom that at times really really hurts. It started last night.. it felt like it was right inside my left armpit.. the pain was like a gnawing wave that came and then went.. and its still happening today only now i feel like its moved from inside my armpit to lower down next to my breast..(over the ribs ) it comes it goes it come it goes.. guys... its drving me mad... now ive got it in my head it was a clot and its moved to my lungs. What can it be? its not going.. and im having a miserable day worrying.

16-12-10, 15:02
OMG I had this last week and I was told it was muscular. But it was the oddest sensation I have ever felt. I am still getting it now on occassion but I was convinced (and still am to some degree) it was my heart going into spasm or something, or like you a clot.

16-12-10, 15:45
really? how you feeling now? i cant pin point where it is. Ive tried feeling around. I just know where it feels like its coming from. The pain is like a sharp wave that comes and then goes.