View Full Version : Symptoms-I've had em all...here they are in detail

22-03-06, 00:23
im a male who just turned 25 and began having these "attacks" about 3 months ago. I was a big drinker til these started happening and now have stopped drinking. also smoked (no more then 1 pack a week, sometimes a pack a month) for the last 4 years. right before new years i began to get these attacks. went to the ER and have seen 3 GP's since then all whom have told me that what i am experiencing are anxiety and panic attacks. i am seeing an ent in two weeks to confirm this and hopefully put some of my fears to rest. the last gp i saw told me that if i had throat or laryngyl (sp) cancer (which is my fear)... that i would not only be the youngest person he would have treated for it, but the youngest person hes ever heard of having it...this has helped me a little but i cant help but think this is what i have since these feelings i have are so new to me...so here they are in order of most severe and frequent to less severe and frequent....how bout you?....
- dry mouth and sinuses
- i feel like someone is pulling my throat muscles down, they are very tight to the point it affects my speech and the way i swallow.
- i believe this dry mouth and tight throat has caused this dry throat, ive now had for the past month or so, that makes me clear my throat and strained my voice. my throat.
- swallowing constantly to the point my throat is dry or im not swallowing correctly
- jaw pain and tingling (someitmes when i drink juice especially orange).
- tmj i think has caused this jaw pain as well as the earaches i occasionally get. i catch my self clenching my teeth and have recently implemented a night mouth guard. my chiropractor snapped my jaw a bit last week and for the next few days i felt normal for the first time since i can remember (funny how long ago christmas seems, back when i was fine)
- tingling in the cheeks, ears, neck
- fatigue, tired all the time, never feel like i get good sleep
- shoulder and neck stiffness recently
- i feel more comfortable when im around a toilet for some reason
- when i first got the attacks i had awful diarhea (which the docs told me was ibs, and now it has seemed to subside as i have drastically changed my diet, more veggies, no beer, no smokes, lots o fruits)
- feeling like i cant get enough air when i breathe in
- weak legs and arms
- fast hearbeat
- hard to breathe (when i exercise i felt like my throat was closing in...)
i used to play ncaa athletics - soccer - and have severly gotten out of shape
- moody..i seem to snap a bit at work ( i am a stockbroker...hence why docs say i live a high stress life)
- googling ( as im sure many of you do or have done i google constantly about new symptoms i have - hence how i got to this website) im constantly afraid of having something dredful wrong with me (as if ths wasnt bad enough)
- i have also become a bit of a shut in...my friends wonder what has happened to me...i used to go out 5 nights a week and now never...
- ive lost 10 pounds (which i attribute to these things - i have not drank in 3 months, i had a good two weeks where i didnt eat and had constatn diarhea when i first had these attacks, and no exercise and loss of muscle mass due to not doing anything and laying around instead of being active, and im jsut starting to eat well again)
- feel like im dehydrated all the time...im guessing this has to do with the dry mouth, throat ( i shoudl also mention i live in chicago and its extremely cold here so that doesnt help with the dryness of my nose and throat)
- startle easy
- teeth hurt sometimes ( i get this a lot when i catch my self bracing)
- when i get the earaches my ear seems full or hearing ****led (i havent had this in 3 weeks)
- feeling like im not there, out of it, dreaming
- feeling everything going on with my stomach, this was especially present when i had IBS...i could feel my stomach and gut all the time
- wierd dreams and wake up during the night
- foggy vision, tired vision - i stare at computer screens all day and this doesnt help either
- dry eyes...i wake up and my eyes are gritty and hurt to o

22-03-06, 05:08
yep, I think that I have had all of those symptoms! I am constantly amazed at what anxiety can do. I also find that my symptoms are constantly changing... My anxiety is mostly health related, so my symptoms will reflect whatever the disease of the day is... If its a heart issue, im having chest pain, and missed beats. If its a brain issue, Im having headaches and dizzy... It really just never ends. I guess the only advice I have is to keep fighting. There will be highs and lows, but I suspect soon the highs will outweigh the lows. We just gotta keep at it, its so easy to give up...

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"I hope you never fear those mountains in the distance, never settle for the path of least resistance... When you get the chance to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance"

"This too shall pass..."

22-03-06, 06:30
Well, first off: just wanted to say "Welcome to the life of the anxious"......u have just begun your journey into the unknown to an extent. Seems like your "high stress" life has caught up with you and u have a lot of unresolved things u might want to look into : i.e: ex-girlfriend.

I am a 24 year old who has had severe panic and ocd for most of my life but never REALLY knew it until I was 16. I THOUGHT i had gotten beyond my issues although I know I would always be a little more concerned about things more than others-----i had occasional panic attacks over the last 8 years but then BOOM! 6 months ago I experienced one of the worst panic attacks of my life and am still coping with ALL the associated symptoms.

See, for the past 4-5 yrs-I have lived a very crazy, chaotic life of job hopping, moving and chronic partying. In the midst of severe stress, in oct 05 I was thrown back FULL FORCE into the grips of severe anxiety to the point which I shook throughout the day at my job and feelings of not being real and pure terror have taken over my life. I live alone and to make matters worse, the one thing I held onto was my job--and then 2 wks ago, I got fired out of the blue. I have a miriad of health issues and mental and emotional symptoms--let me sum it up"

Anxiety literally turns into an insidious monster masquerading as thousands of different symptoms. Left unchecked and untreated, will eventually paralyze a person.

My life is difficult. I did quit drinking and smoking. I have been at home with my mother for the past 1 wk and a half. I can't stay here but I can't go home. It's like being in between middle and nowhere.
I live alone. I am very attractive young woman who ppl say "Wow, you have so much going for you!" Why don't you back to college" Why are you not married? What's WRONG with you?

It's horrific. Not trying to scare you. I have had every symptom on your list. During my life, I convinced myself I was dying of MS, Cancer, Brain Tumor, Aneurysm--lou gherigs disease.....lately I have been convinced I am sinking into mental insanity.

The thing is: You are 'googling' as you say which I think is what every one with this disorder does....but in reality I think it does comfort and then it just can make things worse.

Like right now, my entire head is buzzing and tingling! AHHHHH!

I honestly don't know what the true answer is. I refuse to medicate myself. A lot ppl get on with their anxiety like I thought I had.....then, a lot of people just Live with them.....day to tortous day. Managing stress and coping becomes survival. It's hard. It's tough. IT SUX!

I read posts all the time and sometimes it helps, then other times I think no one can really understand what I am going thru nor can I truly understand others.

My advice: Keep fighting....make sure all is clear with yoour doc.....find faith.......stop searching symptoms....get up and take a breath and Determine yourself: I WILL BEAT THIS!

I can honestly say, ppl like me, HAVE TO be some of the STRONGEST ppl in the world to go thru what we go thru day in and day out. Forget Strongest Man competition.....live a life pure terror with the most horrific body symptoms every day of your life WHILE you go about your business and then tell me who is truly stronger?

YOU are strong! Don't forget that. You are new to this arena in life so I thought I would share my struggle. Sorry it's so long.


So, keep your chin up Laddy! U are young and able.....


PS....how the DOW doing???? Nasdaq?????hehe:D


ps feel free to email me anytime k_lee93@yahoo.com