View Full Version : please help me

16-12-10, 16:18
Hello, I am new. I have been in this country since 13 years, originally from india. I am 35 year old female married with 3 lovely girls. I started depression 5 years ago and it is still on and off. i go through all sort of moods, anger, frustration, lonely etc. from the past year iam having panic/anxiety attack amd am constatnly worrying about health mainly cancer. it is constant and for that i have been to my GP lots and lots of time, probably once a week. They have done lots of tests and results comes back negative. i have every sort of cancer, you name it and i have it. recently i started to have night sweats, 3 weeks ago, i woke up and my bed sheet and clothes was drench. I slept with hot water bottle thAT DAY. I was sooo scared, next day i went tot eh Dr. and my GP told me to keep and eye on the temperature. since then i am constntly checking temperature which is normal. last week i had a bit of flu and cold and on sunday i sweat again. yesterday night i sweat again an my night gown was not wet but damp. i suffer from IBS and gastritis, i am constantly having pain under my arm and in my breast which the Dr. didn't say much about it. i am really worried, is sweating a part of anxiery or it is lymphoma or any another cancer? i wake up suddenly at night and check my body.
i am scared to go to sleep. i am taking amitryptiline tablet which i started on tuesday. please help!!!

16-12-10, 16:19

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

paula lynne
16-12-10, 16:24
Hi sbg, welcome. You may want to go to the "Search" option and type in "amytriptyline" to see if anyone else has sweats associated with it. I have anxiety and sweat pretty badly at night, with hot flushes, but cold fingers and toes. You may be going through early menopause, ask your gp for a hormone blood test to rule this out.

Its nice to know you, hope you feel better very soon. x Paula x:welcome:

16-12-10, 16:28
That sounds awful. It sounds like maybe you are a bit obsessive compulsive regarding your health. Have you been seeing the same GP?

16-12-10, 17:01
no i have seen lots of GP and consultant for gastro and gyno and having another appointment in january with the psychologist and physiotharapist to discuss about the pain, Dr. said it is anxiety and i am always anxious. i have never enjoyd my kids and mu husband in the past 2 months. always worrying about cancer. i am feeling veryyy low and scared. now i am worried about my sweating which i did mention to the Dr.does anyone else get with anxiety or it is just only meee. my children are losing out and i am sure i am going to spend the christmas holidays just scared lying in bed with blanket and kids watching in the computer. i can see that coming.

16-12-10, 17:02
i did had my hormone blood test earlier this year which came back normal and i am seeing gynaec next friday.

16-12-10, 18:02

Boy you do sound as if you are going through it right now. I too am a worrier, and it is difficult when you have physical symptoms like you do (and I do too). Then our brain goes into overdrive and we think the worst. Do you know what triggered off all your worrying? Is your husband supportive to you? Do you have friends who can help? What do you for enjoyment or distraction? I find that if I can distract myself sometimes, it can take your mind off worrying. Not sure what the sweating is all about, though it could be anxiety related. Hormones may be having something to do with it, but you are quite young for menopause at the moment. It will be interesting to see what the hormone levels are like when the results come back.

Us worriers will probably outlive everyone else! This site will help you; just keep writing and asking questions; you will find you aren't alone in all your worries. Try and go into the chat room when you can; you will find support on that from fellow worriers!

Take care, Mary x

16-12-10, 22:08
my husband don't understand, my only concern is what if i have cancer, what will happen to my children, i can't imagine myself going to chemo, the dr. telling me about the dreaded disease and i have to explain my children about it. all these is making me depressed and scared. i am really low, not enjoying reading, watching always thinking, can't take it any more. i wish i can go to india and settle there. and the sweating doesen't help. i am going to see my GP on tuesday. please help.i don't like talking to anybody, even though the phone rings i don't answer it. i go to DR every week. just feeling scared and very depressed.

paula lynne
16-12-10, 22:48
You mentioned you are getting over the flu, that could be why youve been sweating. Give the amytriptiline a chance to work, that may take a few weeks. If you are no better after that, ask your gp to change your dose/tabs.

17-12-10, 14:03
does anxiety lead to sweating at night? I am really worried about my health and depressed.