View Full Version : Stomach issues

16-12-10, 16:54
I had nausea and diarrhoea last week, as I had a very bubbly stomach and a temp my GP said I had norovirus. I'm over it now but have no appetite, still feel sickly at times and no desire even for a glass of wine, lol!!!

My stomach always feels heavy and full, like I've had a heavy meal, even though I only had a small jacket potato for lunch. It doesn't hurt or bubble, I just feel very full and heavy in my stomach after eating. Between meals I'm not even hungry and just feel sickly on and off. I went back to my Gp yesterday, he gave me ranitadine, he thinks justy stomach has shrunk due to not eating over the last 2 weeks. So now I'm struggling to get back into eating, but I never feel hungry so I'm just making myself eat, and not enjoying it at all.

It's worrying me a bit and it's horrible feeling bloated and sickly. Has anyone else experienced this? My GP said it's nothing to worry about, it's just after a bug, and it will go, but to go back in a week if I feel no better. He said anxiety can also supress the appetite, but I wouldn't say I'm particulary anxious about this, it's just there and I wish it wasn't.

16-12-10, 17:20
Hi larna,

I had the sickness bug an also the horrible feeling after, I also got bad heartburn and acid reflux my dr just said it was because my stomach was irritated from being sick. It cleared up around a week or so later! Try not to worry! Easier said that done I know!

The Norovirus is awful we've all had it in my house my oldest little boy was really poorly with it. It's horrible!


16-12-10, 18:45
I wasn't actually sick but felt it, and had bad diorrheoa. I felt dreadful though, very weak, fever, aches, headache and stiff neck.... My son was sick with it and had bad cramps.

Maybe it's still settling down, but it feels horrible:((