View Full Version : Does this ever happen to you?

22-03-06, 07:24
Ok.. My granpa was like seeing words in his vision and found otu that he has a brain tumor.... I see like sparks (sometimes dark ones) and colors in my vision but after i heard that he saw words i convinced my self that i saw words... so like... i just woke up and i looked at the ceiling and i thought i saw the word "two" but it wasnt like clear, it was just imprint on the celing and i was seeing it and forming a word or something i dont know... out of panic.. its weird.. can someone hlep me lol or am i just goin crazy

22-03-06, 07:35
Justin, dont worry at all.... Could be 1: you were half awake half asleep and semi dreamed it your mind/eyes can play tricks on i have an illusion attachment to prove this is you want it, its a bit scary but just proves 100% that your eyes tell your brain something completely different to what they see. Or 2: in a high state of anxiety, you may have seen something that looks like the word "two" but because your stressed (yes even when your asleep) you imagined something else.. Go back lay where you was lieing look exactly in teh same place see if you see it! i doubt you will. For your granpa to unfortunately have a tumor the likely of you having one is extremely rare they are not heriditory!
Take it easy and try not to frighten yourself. You may be a bit stressed for your granpa and automatically turning onto yourself. We all see colours and if i strain too much see dull sparks too... you on any medication?

22-03-06, 07:42
Yes, I take Xanax sometimes... but yea after i blinked my eyes it went away... Can you read my new post.. its more detailed I cant convince myself, See if you can =/ (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=8681)