View Full Version : Is this important?

16-12-10, 21:17
My pulse is usually anywhere from 66 to 73 most days and in the last few days its been at rest 75 to 84 .I am not sure why the difference but was wondering if its important?I haven't felt like I could breathe very good for the last week or so but I also had a 66 pulse when I couldn't breathe as well.The weather has been a little warmer than usual and wondering if this could be it?

17-12-10, 00:03
Don't think it's important. Your heart beats faster sometimes to regulate temperature so it could be the weather I guess. x

17-12-10, 00:03
Warmer weather certainly raises the pulse, as we have to use more energy to keep ourselves cool. Can you send some of your warmer weather over to the UK please? We're all freezing over here! :)

Going home
17-12-10, 00:19
Michael, pulse rate varies alot and reacts very quickly even if its just when you stand up or sit down. There's a range of normal readings rather then just a specific one, and yours sounds just fine. What was the outcome of the overheating and sweating by the way...were you reassured?

Anna x

17-12-10, 00:33
yes..lol sounds like many people have the overheating and sweaty feeling ..thanks
and blueangel. Here in this state the term "fall" or "winter" really doesn't mean much.. lol..Its not unusual for it to be 73 on Christmas day.. I grew up here and know this weather all too well. We were in a state that its not unusual to have snow 7 months a year and winter is winter and there is no inbetween ..Anyway thanks to all of you .Its just that I have been acustom to a pretty constant 66 to 72 ..and the last few days its been a tad more fast but nothing that dramatic..Thanks for the reassurance on that and the heating.Michael

17-12-10, 00:45
If you exercise, you can get a good range of resting and fast pulses that are normal for you. That is the range.

17-12-10, 01:06
Well actually when I exercise my pulse gets just over 100 and stays there unless im exerted and then goes to about 112 if I really get to going.. then it comes back down to a resting pulse of 66 to 72 and around that.It has lately gotten to be 76 to 80 So im not sure whats going on..but hopefully its ok.