View Full Version : im new and scared! can anyone give me advice

mcrmy kid xx
16-12-10, 23:41
hi last year i was bullied at school and it sent me into a deep depression and then only 4 months later my father was sent out to afghanistan which made the depression worse and caused me to start having issues with my health because of the bullies and depression i dont leave the house so dont do much excericise and have never been a massive vegetable or fruit eater but recently the anxiety has been getting worse.

1) about four months i go i fainted doctors told it was dehydration.
2) i had panic attacks about whether i had brain tumors. etc.
3) ive always had bad exzema and now its winter its got really bad
i worried it could be skin cancer but i have managed to understand its not.
4) i have had a cold for almost two weeks and in the first week had 2 panic attacks doctors say its my hormones and i have a throat infection.
5) my bladder has been hurting in the past twenty-four hours my parents believe its a bladder infection (plenty of fluids etc.)
6) although i started yo recover towards the end of last week my cold has come back again and i feel really low but this time my armpits hurts alot i reckon its my glands but am still very worried

these are all the things that are makibg worry if anybodys got any advice it would be really helpful thank you

16-12-10, 23:56
Hi there

I'm not surprised you're suffering from anxiety if your dad is out in Afghanistan at the moment. Anxiety is a dreadful thing to live with, and there are lots of us on here who have had it for a long time (I've had it for a lot of my life). Have you thought about going to see your doctor about how anxious you feel? It doesn't necessarily mean that you'll have to take medication, but it does sound as though you need some support.

17-12-10, 03:37
I had dehydration one time.They hospitalized me for a month.They didn't know at the time what it was but that was what they found out. It was causing major organ shutdown.I was in the hospital for a month..They did every test they could think of and finally arrived at that conclusion..Needless to say I now have an obsession of having water with me everywhere I go ..and i drink more than I should but i don't want to go through that again... Anyway hang in there its going to be ok..Hope you feel better soon.Michael