View Full Version : Anyone around? Feeling panicky and upset

17-12-10, 00:21
My mum has been in a strange mood 4 the last few dayz, so tonight I asked her what was up, and she just blew up. Said shez so stressed with coping with me, and that tonight my dad was really feeling the stress, thatz y hez gone 2 bed early. I was like, but why now?! She said that every so often she gets really stressed with it and doesn't no how much longer she can cope with me being like this before she has a nervous breakdown or something. After she left my bedroom I burst into tears and am now feeling quite breathless, my heartz racing and I'm feeling really restless. Don't know what 2 do, I hate 2 think I'm putting my parentz thru all this :'(

17-12-10, 00:25
This is a rough time for those that are stressed. Christmas and middle of winter. Try to stay on your own till they calm down. Saturday, also take it easy, plan some activity where you can be together and not be stressed.Go to lunch for example.

17-12-10, 00:37
Hi Emma, like Tero says, it could well be a Christmas thing, I know I'm really stressed out just now. I have has a shouting match with one of my sons and two big rows with my daughter within the last few days. I ended up saying something unforgivable to her tonight and I feel terrible about it. Please try not to get too upset, I'm sure things will calm down once Christmas is out of the way. Sending you :hugs:

17-12-10, 00:41
Thanks guys, I hope thatz all it is. Going 2 attempt 2 get 2 sleep now xx