View Full Version : st johns wort for panic/depression helps

17-12-10, 02:44
hello everyone

im new here

just wanted to tell you all that st johns wort from boots or superdrug is great for depression and panic attacks.

its a natural alternative to anti depressants...helps with panic attacks.

take one a day..some people take more. after 5 days you will feel calmer and mood will have lifted. has eased my panic attacks by 80% with no horrible side effect like anti depressants from doctors. in germany they prescibe it. is better than the horror show of antidepressants (may work for some people tho)

kira is a good brand or boots own. or morrisons do one really cheap. the more expensive tho the better quality.

im 34 now..had first panic attacks at 19...terrible. i slowly ended up not going out much. but this isnt the answer. i think when you first have panics you need to withdraw and get your head around it. but ease back into situations at your own pace. dont pressure yourself too much. if you are having a bad day dont bother..try another day. unfortunately i got depression about 7 years ago..personal problems and maybe the stress of panics for all those years. in a way its very unfair...but look at this forum, we are not alone. sometimes you can feel like a nutter for the strange thoughts you have..what if i panic..everyones gonna kow blah blah..but thats just anxiety talking. do things when your ready..one day you will think enough enough ive got to sort this. cbt is good...but i think you can challenge your thoughts on your own. after a while of having panics you get used to it. your not alone or weird. anyway been on the st johns for about 4 years...helped me cope. i miss not having a boyfriend to support me..but maybe this will make me a stronger person. much love to you all...ay questions feel free to ask. keep on keeping n..you are all strong people xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx big hug from me:hugs:

17-12-10, 02:50
ps..do not take with contraceptive pill, you dont want a unplanned pregnancy!!!!!xxx