View Full Version : can't stop worrying

17-12-10, 05:16
i cant stop worrying about my heart, no matter what i do, i've tried to have relaxing baths, to read books, watch tv, play online games, speak to my boyfriend/friends over the phone/facebook. but nothing is working, i'm far to distracted with my heart and feeling as if it's fluttering and stopping and i have constant indigestion which is making me almost throw up evert time i burp :(

my friend invited me to her dads christmas do tomorrow night, i wish i could go, but i can't i'll be too worried and even more anxious about being around loads of people i've never met (i suffer from social anxiety too).

this is so crap and i can't sleep :(

17-12-10, 07:49
Hey hun,

The thing is the more you worry the more you panic the trick is to ignore it easier said than done I know. But like you I had huge issues over my heart it was taking over my life until I realised fussing over it makes it worse, thinking about it makes it worse! Ectopics and palps can't kill you and if you've had you heart checked ECGs an things then the likelyhood is there's nothing wrong!

Cbt has taught me I can't predict the future if I'm going to have a heartattack then there's nothing I can do about it when it's my time to go then that's it there's nothing I can do about it! Things happen to the best of people we can't do anything about it. I have 2 small children an the prospect of something happening to me terrifies me but I'm not going to torture myself over it at all!

I think I read you've started new meds? Sorry if I have got it wrong but they make you more anxious for a couple of weeks don't be so hard on yourself just try not to focus or worry about it too much!

Claire xx

17-12-10, 08:27
Candice I have sent you a long reply to your private message so hope it helps and keep reading it when you are freaking out about your ectopics.

My husband has severe social anxiety especially around groups of people he does not know - avoidance is not necessarily the best way to go as he himself says he has just got worse as he has got older by becoming more isolated - thankfully we have moved house and area and he is much happier and much more social.

also concentrating on something else can make a huge difference to how much you notice your ectopics so do consider being brave and going to the party with your friend- does she know you have social anxiety as if she does she can then make sure she stays with you.