View Full Version : in a slump :/

17-12-10, 06:31
Hi everyone my name is Dani.
Im 20 years old and new to this site. I have been dealing with anxiety and depression ever since i was about 10. So it feels like a never ending journey for me. I have my ups and downs and today feels like a real downer for me. This whole semester actually.
My panic attacks are much more frequent and uncontrollable at times. i sometimes cannot sit through a class without feeling like something is going to happen and i wont be able to escape. i have never ending fear that something medically is wrong with me i am constantly going to the doctors to make sure i am okay. I am on anxiety medication which i take everyday and it has made a difference but talking to people who understand is what i hope will keep me going.
Its been a rough few months with my boyfriend whom ive been with for 3 years now. but lately i have become so attached to him and smother him bc he makes me feel so happy that i am driving him away and making it uncomfortable for both of us. i wish i wasnt like this but i am slowly ruining his life as well as mine and it really isnt fair.
i dont know what to do with myself anymore im a paranoid wreck who doesnt know how to live happily and its really starting to interfere with my relationships i feel like i have no friends or anyone to go to. :/ please help anyone that can lend a hand i really would appreciate any advice or kind words.

17-12-10, 06:37
Hi danigirl

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

17-12-10, 06:37
Well Danigirl..You have plenty of help here and friends that DO understand..Im in the states but most that are on here with an exception of a dozen or so are in the UK and other countries..I want to welcome you since im in the states and awake..its now 1234 am central time and in the UK its about 634 ..They will be waking up soon.. But try to relax and think you will find a lot of support here. I have been a member here for almost four years and its been really good for me.The people are great , the info is great and it gives you a feeling of belonging with people that care and know exactly how you feel. Once again welcome and don''t worry .. you will be fine and things will subside and hope you feel better soon. Michael

17-12-10, 06:38
Thank you Michael for making me feel welcome! and for calming me down. :)

17-12-10, 06:54
Ill be here most nights US time.. I try to be around for those that come on here in the states and for those night owls in other countries..to help when I can..You are welcome and hope you are feeling better real soon..If I can help let me know.. I have had anxiety most of my life and endured many of its brutalities that it sends our way,also had to deal with family and friends etc.. so..Maybe I can say something reassuring sometimes.You take care now.. Michael