View Full Version : Hot spasms of panic?

22-03-06, 09:35
Does anyone else experience sudden feelings of panic as a hot spasm which suddenly hits just below the ribs accompanied by a sinking feeling (like the feeling you get in a descending elevator).

I've been experiencing this for a couple of days - I am stressed as I was trapped in the dentist's chair yesterday!

Afterwards my limbs feel weak and a little heavy and I can feel background burning in my stomach and ribs.

Seems like panic attacks can constantly produce new symptoms and frightening sensations to ruin our day - just when we think we are getting back on an even keel...

22-03-06, 09:49
I get a burning feeling in my chest and at the back of my neck. i thought perhaps i was on my own but obviously not hun.

We have to keep our chins up and keep on going. (easier to say, harder to do i know)


22-03-06, 10:04
I had the exact same feeling whilst stuck in traffic last week.
I am going to get some Aloe Vera, on the advise of Meg. It could be all to do with acid in the lining of your stomach. Horrible sensation isn't it.

Best Wishes
Jenny xxxx

22-03-06, 10:09
Yes - I hate this feeling. I am waiting for the alien baby to burst out of my ribs any minute!!

A few of you have mentioned aloe vera with regard to the acid burning. I have been on Lansoprazole (occasionally) and Gaviscon for quite a while now, but every now and again the bad burning flares up again when I'm panicking.

I was wondering what effect the aloe vera has and whether its worth a try. What are your experiences with it?

23-03-06, 19:24
Its soothes your innards

Why are you not taking your lanzolaprole regularly ?? It will flare up when panicking - it goes hand in hand as adrenalin and extra acid is produced.


proactiveness, positivity, persistence, perseverance and practice = progress

24-03-06, 16:07
I must admit I don't like to be continually taking meds, and the lansoprazole in particularly makes me feel a little queer when I'm on it.

Perhaps also continuous consumption of meds eventually diminshes their restorative effect as the body becomes too accustomed to them.

I'm going to try the aloe vera as others have suggested - it's worht a shot for some temporary relief.