View Full Version : Sunlight through trees when driving hurts my eyes?

17-12-10, 08:31
During winter, the sun is low for longer and blasts through the trees.

When I'm driving I get this semi-strobe effect with the sun blasting through the trees.

I've noticed it hurts my eyes and I also end up feeling quite sick and panicing.

Does anyone else have this? I've had it before, but not to this extent. I've also noticed I feel uncomfortable under tube lighting and I can't stand strobe lighting in clubs, pubs and events.

Should I be concerned with this?

Thanks all!

17-12-10, 08:37
I can't stand flickering/flashing lights, they hurt and make me dizzy.

17-12-10, 09:14
Hi, Please be very careful in low sun. I almost drove into a parked digger once as I didn't see it for the sun! I have an eye defect which makes all this much worse it is called Keratoconus.

margaret jones
17-12-10, 09:24
Hi James please dont worry I have had the same problem for yrs I was told it was just the way our eyes react to the light Just be more aware, if driving slow down ( I have to wear my sunglasses to protect me ) Please dont worry you are fine xxxx

17-12-10, 20:26
Thanks all, wearing sunglasses (dark tinted ones) helps a great deal.

I just don't remember being that sensitive to it before, been driving for years without the problem!

Maybe I'm just getting old lol.