View Full Version : Office Virus

17-12-10, 10:18
We have a virus that has taken out most of our office this week and I am worried I will get it. I have been following the guidelines to avoid it, washing hands plenty of fruit but am worried because it causes a temperature and I will completely panic. It sounds like a nasty virus which causes sore throat, Temperature, dizziness, vomitting and weakness and it seems to last 48 hours. Its sounds like my worst nightmare. Anyone else had this virus I am really worried it could be swine flu and I will catch it and may never recover.

17-12-10, 10:22
I understand your worries as its what we would all think but try and think logically:) not easy I know - you say that it lasts 48 hrs so people must be coming back to work or are well enough to phone you and tell you it lasts 48 hrs so you know everyone gets better quite quickly. It will be horrible while it lasts - it sounds like a stomach bug as flu would last alot longer than 48 hrs but most stomach bugs only last a few days. I have had numerous stomach bugs that also give a very high temp and faintness they are horrible but do pass fairly quickly.
Keep your fingers out of your mouth- eyes- and nose and don't eat with your fingers and its the best you can do.

17-12-10, 10:47
I was looking up Swine Flu yesterday as a few of my staff are off ill and one of the key things to remember about it this time round is that it is not classified as a pandemic flu now. Last year it was so severe because it was a new virus and no one had immunity to it. Now the population has more immunity which prevents the spread of it as much and has been added into the standard flu regime in jabs etc.

I have a massive fear of vomiting too so I understand your fear, but if you are in general good health and following the guidelines you are doing all you can so try not to worry too much. If the idea of flu scares you, you can always get the seasonal flu jab, it is a dead virus so does not give you the flu when you have it either

17-12-10, 10:54
I was diagnosed with swine flu couple of days ago. I feel very rough but it isn't as bad as you think. I am still here, not panicking and being looked after by my wonderful hubby. Ooh and I haven't been sick (vomiting) at all with it, if that helps. x

17-12-10, 11:07
Thanks for the replies, will follow the advice. I hate being worried about something that may never happen, sometimes I just wish people wouldn't come into the office sick, a little selfish of me I know. Couple back in the office today but there still coughing a little and don't look fully recovered. I have been spraying door handles, my keyboard, kettle with aint bacterial cleaner bet I look like a mad person.

Anway Ambers hope you get better soon and thanks again everyone for your replies.
