View Full Version : Have you taken Citalopram?

Lou 1
17-12-10, 11:25
Hi there

I have had anxiety and panic for just over a year now.
Recently i have started to feel very down, and have no motivation to do anything.

I saw my GP this morning and she has prescribed 10mg of Citalopram.
I have never taken any medication for my anxiety/low mood before other than Beta Blockers, which i only took for a month.

I have read a lot on this site about the side affects of Citalopram and i've also read the leaflet in the packet.

I really feel like i need some help, im on a 16 week wait list for Psychology but if the tables are going to help me until them i'd like to give them a shot, but im not 100% sure if i should.

Im just worried about how they will make me feel to begin with and how i'll feel when i come off of them.
I've read some very mixed reviews about them.
My GP said she has prescribed them to a lot of people and she hasnt had anyone complain about side affects.

Can anyone offer me some advice?

17-12-10, 11:41
You will undoubtedly get views from both sides of the fence so the outcome may be inconclusive.

I took cit a couple of years ago, I felt crap for a week or so and then went back to how I was before taking them, took them for about two months and then doc said not to bother as they were clearly not for me. I then took St Johns wort (At my docs suggestion) and that is what I take now along with Vitamin B.

Have you had a look under the 'medication, heading on here thats where all the drug threads are:)

Lou 1
17-12-10, 11:51
Yeah i've had a look, im kinda stuck in Limbo here.. should i shouldnt I?

If i'd never read anything about them, I think i would've just taken them and see how i got on.
But after reading other peoples experiences there seem to be more bad ones than good!

17-12-10, 11:56
I was on Citalopram for a few months and I think they were fantastic. I did feel a bit tired and kept yawning a lot when I first went on them but after the first week or two that passed and I didn't have anymore side effects. I did feel a lot better when I was on them but stupidly when the prescription ran out I didn't go back to the doctors because I have a phobia of doctors and so I had to do without them. I'm going to the doctors next week and going to ask to be put on them again.

Lou 1
17-12-10, 11:59
I've read that they can make you feel worse when you first start taking them, was being tired and yawning your only side effects?

17-12-10, 12:56
I am on week 7 of Cit, yes the first 2 weeks were tough, appetite diminished and high anxiety but the anxiety has almost disappeared now. I still get some low moods so am seeing how I go over Christmas, but may go from 20mg to 30mg, it is trial and error finding the right dose.

17-12-10, 12:58
The side effects can vary from person to person. What they can do in quite a few people is upset your stomach a bit, or make you feel a bit sicky, but that will go off quite quickly if you take them with a meal. Other than that, the main side effects for a lot of people is that they can initially make you feel more anxious, but this also tends to go away quite quickly for most people. I've just gone back on them a fortnight ago, and for about the first week I felt quite agitated, but that has gone away now and I think they're starting to get into my system.

17-12-10, 13:13
Hi Lou, it varies on an individuals metabolism and nature of low mood as to just how effective S.S.R.I. drugs like citalopram can be. It would be a week or so before you may feel any difference and it may not be that dramatic. What you find as I have over the years that a combination of things will help, a small dosage of medication in conjunction with self help strategies, decent diet and fairly regukar excercise, even as one or two others have mentioned vitamins and herbal medicince.
Basically I think it's a wee individual package and I am quite sure you will work out what yours is soon. In terms of the side affects listed, only one or two are likely on that dosage, maybe the odd sore head or a slight change in bowel function.
The fact you are on this site means you are being proactive and helping yourself, which means you are on the right road and I hope that road leads to a content life, Steph x

Lou 1
17-12-10, 13:26
Thanks for all the replies.
Steph, some great advice,:) thank you.

If they make you feel worse to begin with, im not sure if i should perhaps wait until after Christmas to take them??
I dont want them to affect how i feel over the festive period.

17-12-10, 13:37
Thanks for all the replies.
Steph, some great advice,:) thank you.

If they make you feel worse to begin with, im not sure if i should perhaps wait until after Christmas to take them??
I dont want them to affect how i feel over the festive period.

I think thats very wise :)

17-12-10, 16:11
hello - i am also on citalopram 10mg, and didn't take them for 2 months because i was too scared, even though i bought them.. and it got to a point where my boyfriend and mum made me see that i really had to give them a go, because my anxiety and agraphobia got so bad. I am on around about day 30 now and i feel absolutely fantastic! I started to notice the effects after 2 weeks, i didnt get sickness or anything horrible, just worried like normal.. but after 2 weeks i started to feel like my old self - appetite returned and singing along to the radio and generally feeling happy.

so please dont be put off by the bad reviews, i know its scary but they do work! :yesyes: sure im not 100% anxiety free now but i am soooo much better! this website has also helped me so much!

good luck and things can only get better :) :hugs: xxx

17-12-10, 18:25
ive been on it for 11 months. Ive found it amazing. Life saver really. However ive still had huge relapes in my anxiety, even when ive been taking it. I get side effects even now, some scary ones too, but i think thats only if ur on them long-term like me. I dont feel i could be taken off them which is bad as i spose im kinda addicted to them in a way, which i dont like.. but theyve helped me alot, so i hope they help u too x

Lou 1
17-12-10, 21:31
Im glad they've helped you, I was worried about becoming addicted but my GP said they dont really become addictive.
She just said its not wise to just stop taking them as it would be a big change to your body, so i suppose when i do stop taking them (If i ever start to take them) I will slowly decrease the amount of times i take it and wean myself off.