View Full Version : Bad Day Tight Stomach :-(

17-12-10, 11:31
Morning everyone hope you are all feeling great...

I woke up this morning around 6am :( and just feeling all shakey with palpitations basically just feeling liek shit !!
i dont no if this is due to lack of sleep or the fact i had blooming bad reflux all night giving me that sickly feeling in my belly and back of throat (been suffering with this alot lately) am due to get a scope at end of this month and am counting down the days as its horrible my stomach is just so tight today and feel real anxious.......... was thinking it could just be PMT but i haven't had a period for two months now as i have lost over 2stone due to my anxiety i just lost all my appetite an now am just starting to get it back again i then have days like this that just knock me again feel 2 steps backwards..........i HATE this ANXIETY and the way it has taken over me ijust want my life back again i cant eat as my stomach is hurting like a nervous feeling and i dont really wanna eat on it incase it knocks me sick as am emetophobic .....

can you eat on a nervous stomach ???
how can i calm myself down or do i just need sleep x

17-12-10, 12:15
You poor thing, i'm going through the same at the moment with bad reflux and anxiety attacks. I'm too am emetophobic.
If i have a nervous tummy but i'm hungry, i find eating can actually settle it, but i'll have a sandwich because i can break it into tiny bits and it's soft, and i wash each bit down with some dilute drink.
I also go on the computer or read a magazine to try and distract myself form the panic as i eat.

If my tummy is unsettled too, i'll have some ginger biscuits because they settle it and are used for anti-nausea remedies.

When i'm really panicked i go to bed (although thats probably not the best advice but it works for me), i dont sleep but as i said before, i go on the laptop, or watch a dvd, do puzzle books, read magazines, anything i can to distract away from the panic.

MAybe you could call your doctor and ask if theres something they can give you for the panic?

big hugs:hugs:

17-12-10, 14:46
am just sick of feeling this way i have a good few days then i get jnocked with one bad day like today and as am just on the road to recovery from starting to finally eat again i just get one bad day that send my anxiety sky high so all day today i have just been feeling anxious and having palpitations, trembling, but i dont no if some of these symptons r due to my acid reflus cos i believe anxiety and acid reflux some symptons are the same ? also the tight stomach i always relate it to anxiety until my doc explained that acid reflux can cause a tight stomach feeling so i cant win x